Why the Mueller Investigation is a fraud and Unconstitutional



I can only wonder when NOTHING happens how you will stomp your little feet and whine like a little bitch.
Rightys on this board are suffering. The truth is out and it looks worse for Trump gradually and surely. Cohen, Pecker and AMI, and Weisselberg are all spilling the golden beans. Tapes and paperwork "trump" tweets.

Wrong again shit-for-brains; lying liberals are desperately flailing and flinging poo like little monkeys. Do you ever get tired of being a moron? That was rhetorical.

Yes, it was. There was no investigation without the GOP wanting it, they run DC.

The GOP never wanted it. That was a decision made by Rosenstein. Perhaps you need to do some research on this and get back to me when you have a clue?

The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper (remember that name because it will come up a lot with the corrupt Justice Dept.) claimed that Russian leadership favored presidential candidate Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, adding that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's electoral chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process. Of course this is asinine but James Clapper is part of the corrupt Government apparatus that engaged in spying on Americans for political purposes.

Sessions recused himself, because he is a fucking pussy, and Rosenstein then became the guy who ordered the Mueller investigation. Rosenstein is dirty also. He isn't the GOP.
Why the Mueller Investigation is a fraud and Unconstitutional?

I'll tell you why, because Donald Rump, Sean Insanity, and Rude Giuliani say's it's all a witch hunt!

And when they speak, the world stops, listens, and God admits he's inferior to them, and everyone drops to their knees and prays to their new GODS!
I just know the righties want all the facts out and let them land where they may. They too believe in justice and want Trump and his admin to face a trial. Then if found innocent, he can go on his way. They would feel terrible if Trump had committed crimes and got away with it. I am sure rightys are interested in justice, aren't they?