Verified User
The whole premise, political platform, direction, and agenda of the TRUMP Republican Party is that of hatred and division since Donald Trump became their leader.
Absolutely true.
The whole premise, political platform, direction, and agenda of the TRUMP Republican Party is that of hatred and division since Donald Trump became their leader.
The whole premise, political platform, direction, and agenda of the TRUMP Republican Party is that of hatred and division since Donald Trump became their leader.
critical race theory is hatred and division.
you're projecting again, 'sperg.
Shows what you know about CRT and theories in general! NOT MUCH!
Could you entertain us with some examples of this...?
no. I nailed it.
What do you think of the last election? Was it filled with fraud or was it fair?
Did Biden win in a fair election?
If a 306-232 electoral college victory is a landslide win then what is a 306-232 electoral college victory? Wouldn't that also be a landslide?
Let's see...
Biden won. It wasn't a "landslide." There was fraud involved, but it wasn't significant enough to change the outcome. I also know if Trump won the Democrats would be saying massive fraud was involved, just as they did in 2016...
The right is forced to lie because the truth is always against them. They can't take a position supportive of the hate party without lying, they can't defend a position that puts the hate party in the right on anything without lying. They couldn't even exist as a party without lying. The truth will always bury their opinions and the truth never supports their words. NO other places support my words better then these forums.
When did Democrats claim massive fraud? Please provide a single story of any Democrat of note claiming massive fraud in 2016. Democrats were upset but I know of none that claimed "massive fraud." Half Of Democrats Think The 2016 Election Was ‘Rigged’’s what we know so far about voter fraud and the 2016 elections Clinton Maintains 2016 Election ‘Was Not On the Level’: ‘We Still Don’t Know What Really Happened’
I asked for evidence of a Democrat of note claiming fraud.We are a small group of United States citizens that seek the truth. We are not affiliated with any political party, not Democrat,
I asked for an actual Democrat of note claiming there was massive fraud.. A biased poll with rigged questions taken a week after the election doesn't really provide evidence of a Democrat claiming massive fraud.
Cases of proven voter fraud in 2016, particularly those related to the presidential election, are few.
Not a single mention of massive vote fraud there. An election not being on the level is not the same thing as massive voter fraud. In fact Clinton points out she got the majority of the popular vote.
Then perhaps you can find me evidence of a single Democrat making the claim of massive voter fraud.Yep, the Democrats top to bottom claimed there was massive voter fraud in 2016...
The right wing is fascist. They want power and do not care about truth or justice.
I asked for evidence of a Democrat of note claiming fraud.
I asked for an actual Democrat of note claiming there was massive fraud.. A biased poll with rigged questions taken a week after the election doesn't really provide evidence of a Democrat claiming massive fraud.
The only reports in the story are about how few cases there are and a quote from Trump about millions illegally registered to vote. Trump is not a Democrat.
Not a single mention of massive vote fraud there. An election not being on the level is not the same thing as massive voter fraud. In fact Clinton points out she got the majority of the popular vote.
Then perhaps you can find me evidence of a single Democrat making the claim of massive voter fraud.
The whole premise, political platform, direction, and agenda of the TRUMP Republican Party is that of hatred and division since Donald Trump became their leader.
Which part of Nearly Half Of Democrats Think The 2016 Election Was ‘Rigged’ didn't you get? You never mentioned "Democrat of note," until your original premise was demolished. Then you moved the goal posts because your argument was defeated.
no it's not.
intentional division is the m.o. of the frankfurt school marxists, the creators of critical race theory divide and conquer horseshit.
My suggestion- Move on from Donald Trump- CHIEF OF DIVISIONS! And please go read the history of Harvard's- CRT!
That way you won't be confused by what it is and how it was used there!