Why the U.S. Needs to Fall Out of Love With Homeownership

Remind me again what this has to do with housing or what the author wrote in the OP?

Not too brainy are ya. If you just used your brain and thought about it for a few seconds you wouldn't have to ask for answers. Just think kiddo, stop asking for others to think for you.

If people actually own their houses they won't have to pay interest. Interest is one of the biggest ways the rich stay rich. If you are rich, lend money and make way more. It doesn't take an education, just money. People are starting to pay off their houses early because the market showed it's chaotic and not a sure thing. This means less money for the rich.

If you are rich and you own lots of rental properties today you might want to tell the media why it's a good thing to rent (to prevent ownership pay-off).

The corporate sheeple puppets will repeat anything, even if it is "DON'T OWN, RENT" Any educated American can tell you renting is a bad idea, buying is a good idea and paying off your home loan is the best idea. Get the Corporations out of your pocket.
Not too brainy are ya. If you just used your brain and thought about it for a few seconds you wouldn't have to ask for answers. Just think kiddo, stop asking for others to think for you.

If people actually own their houses they won't have to pay interest. Interest is one of the biggest ways the rich stay rich. If you are rich, lend money and make way more. It doesn't take an education, just money. People are starting to pay off their houses early because the market showed it's chaotic and not a sure thing. This means less money for the rich.

If you are rich and you own lots of rental properties today you might want to tell the media why it's a good thing to rent (to prevent ownership pay-off).

The corporate sheeple puppets will repeat anything, even if it is "DON'T OWN, RENT" Any educated American can tell you renting is a bad idea, buying is a good idea and paying off your home loan is the best idea. Get the Corporations out of your pocket.

What do you mean homeowners don't pay interest? Ever heard of interest only loans? Yes, if you buy a home all cash you aren't paying any interest. If you take out a loan you are paying interest. Depending on the size of the loan you can generally write off your interest payments on your taxes but that doesn't mean you aren't paying interest.

I honestly have no idea if you believe a single word you write on this board. I do think you troll everyone here for fun. But for shits and giggles I'll respond to this comment of yours ""Any educated American can tell you renting is a bad idea, buying is a good idea and paying off your home loan is the best idea.""

Actually that's not true. As has been stated let's say you are in your mid to late '20's, are without family and move to a new city for a job. Is it necessarily your best move to buy a home in a place you have no idea if you'll still be there (or want to be there) in the next five years? Let's say you live in a City with rent control and have a rent controlled apartment where you are paying well below market rate. Why would it be better economically to leave that and purchase?
What do you mean homeowners don't pay interest? Ever heard of interest only loans? Yes, if you buy a home all cash you aren't paying any interest. If you take out a loan you are paying interest. Depending on the size of the loan you can generally write off your interest payments on your taxes but that doesn't mean you aren't paying interest.

I honestly have no idea if you believe a single word you write on this board. I do think you troll everyone here for fun. But for shits and giggles I'll respond to this comment of yours ""Any educated American can tell you renting is a bad idea, buying is a good idea and paying off your home loan is the best idea.""

Actually that's not true. As has been stated let's say you are in your mid to late '20's, are without family and move to a new city for a job. Is it necessarily your best move to buy a home in a place you have no idea if you'll still be there (or want to be there) in the next five years? Let's say you live in a City with rent control and have a rent controlled apartment where you are paying well below market rate. Why would it be better economically to leave that and purchase?

*smacks forehead* You clearly didn't read what I posted. If you did and still thought I was talking about people with home loans, you aren't very bright. I would stick to "didn't read" if I was you.
LOL, isn't Obama "The One"?

"Snark" isn't BS, BTW, or otherwise you'd have to accuse your fellow lefties of "dishonesty" pretty regularly.

What's that?

ANOTHER Rightie refuses to accept he's been busted?

Well knock me down with a feather!

It's cool...I never expected any honesty from you anyway.
Still making it about me rather than the document.


He's been getting his ass handed to him repeatedly, why would he want to stick to the debate topic?

The only chance he's got is to derail the debate with more childish nonsense like his fascination with some voter document.
You were trolling and now you're brazening it out. I forgive you, too.

Then it's all good. ;)

Erin Jones/Tampa

*smacks forehead* You clearly didn't read what I posted. If you did and still thought I was talking about people with home loans, you aren't very bright. I would stick to "didn't read" if I was you.

I'll let you stick to trolling and talking about Fox News because you don't understand housing.