that is something you need to divorce yourself from. cops are government agents enforcing the will of the government. they are not cape wearing superheros.
and if it's one of those 'bad' cops who has no intention of letting the situation diffuse?
what I have is the frustration of supposedly intelligent citizens not seeing law enforcement for what they are. government enforcement agents who have no obligation, liability, or duty to protect any single citizen absent some special relationship with that individual, yet you still consider them your protectors.
You believe BS, but as I said I understand why you may feel that way.
Oh now there is more than one Bad cop? Moving the goal posts does not work with me.
No actually I do not consider them protectors in the sense most do, I protect myself, and most times officers arrive after everything has happend. You really have an animosity towards LEO's, then be honest if you ever need help do not call them, if someone breaks in to your home and steals your stuff, just suck it up and move on, or be dishonest and pretend you are honorable so that they will help you, your choice.