Mason Michaels
Verified User
Trump's a coward. He banned "A Cat Named Bitches" on his twitter account, lol. A true story.
Totally agree,Trump like all bullies is a coward!
Trump's a coward. He banned "A Cat Named Bitches" on his twitter account, lol. A true story.
Trump has power because he ran on fear. The people are more afraid now than when he took office. He stokes fear instead of peace and cooperation. it still works on those who bought it in the beginning. Trump admitted he uses fear. You rightys do not admit it is what motivates you to stay onboard.
the daily kos is an extremely unbiased website. If you want up to date news it's very reliable.
works for me......shouldn't everyone be afraid of lib'ruls with power?.......
I know what you can do. Look at the many, many other sites with the same story. Not reliable like Fox Gnus, I guess.
Then be terrified of cuntservatives with power, like trump.
hardly......he keeps doing things I like.........
So a tariff fan. And love NATO being shoved away while Trump getting big Russian bearhug. You want environmental laws shredded. You want a bigger debt. I guess he is your man.
I didn't know Trump was running in November?
I am a fan of doing something to negotiate away tariffs instead of ignoring tariffs against us, as the previous president did........I am in favor of demanding the other NATO members increase their share of the expense of activities.......I am in favor of shredding the idiotic environmental EXECUTIVE ORDERS put in place by someone who thought climate change was caused by human activity..........and I am happy that our national debt is growing at a much lower pace than it did under the previous administration........I'm also happy that you are unhappy.....
You're jumping to concussions. I didn't say what year, did I? Now, pay attention or STFU.
There weren't any.
The reds will probably hold the Senate. Out of 33 seats, 26 of those up are held by Dems. Hard to hold all those and pick up some of the other 7. It is a bad mix for the Dems. The worst amount of one party up in a senatorial election period. Reds got lucky.
In 2020 there will be 11 Dems and 22 reds.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren's DNA proves that while her heritage is mostly European, 5 segments of her DNA are native American.
actually its the corollary of dems winning most of the seats in 2006..........