why unfettered markets will not work

tc, I don't mean to attack the source here but you'll have to excuse me if I don't find a Daily Kos writer claiming some unnamed conservative wants no regulations at all that convincing nor anything put out by a Democratic website claiming what a Republican really thinks. (And I would say the same way about a Republican party site speaking about a Democrat. If it has anything to do with the RNC or DNC it has very little credibility to me)

And you have a liberal site claiming Republicans want unfettered capitalism. I can find conservative sites that claim Democrats are all socialists. Does that make it so?

If Republicans are for unfettered markets why would a Republican led Congress and a Republican President pass the Sarbenes-Oxley act?

Republicans are for the free market when it serves their interest. They are against the free market when it serves their interest.

Question....noting your last sentence....

Why aren't Republicans looking out for the American People's interest instead of their own? Don't get me wrong....there are Democrats that do the same....

But the bottom line is that they are OUR elected Representation....all of us. Not just the wealthiest among us....who already have the world by the short hairs....but all of us.
Question....noting your last sentence....

Why aren't Republicans looking out for the American People's interest instead of their own? Don't get me wrong....there are Democrats that do the same....

But the bottom line is that they are OUR elected Representation....all of us. Not just the wealthiest among us....who already have the world by the short hairs....but all of us.

Let me preface my answer with the obligatory (and cynical but true) each politician is looking out for their best interest. That's what they are concerned about most and that is 1) getting elected and 2) getting re-elected.

That aside there are differing beliefs on the best way to achieve economic growth and prosperity and I think the two major parties reflect those different ideas for the most part. (there are of course other ideas such at totalitarianism, socialism etc. that won't get an individual very far with voters in this country)

I saw this article on twitter today. It's on Rick Santorum. I'm not a fan of his but it talks about his appeal to working people and not just the rich and wanting the Republican Party to do more of the same.

Let me preface my answer with the obligatory (and cynical but true) each politician is looking out for their best interest. That's what they are concerned about most and that is 1) getting elected and 2) getting re-elected.

That aside there are differing beliefs on the best way to achieve economic growth and prosperity and I think the two major parties reflect those different ideas for the most part. (there are of course other ideas such at totalitarianism, socialism etc. that won't get an individual very far with voters in this country)

I saw this article on twitter today. It's on Rick Santorum. I'm not a fan of his but it talks about his appeal to working people and not just the rich and wanting the Republican Party to do more of the same.


Santorum is right....but one just can't give lip service to it. The person has to also act in that regard....which goes directly against the "anti-big government" agenda that he believes in. I'm not a fan of his either...even anecdotally. But his words in that article makes sense.

As to the rest of your post.... politics has become a game of walking on eggshells. I won't go so far as to feel sorry for our elected representatives, but I will say their job has become much harder over the years. Compromise and meeting in the middle were commonplace, and often brought results that we all could live with....even though it wasn't perfect.

But nowadays, with everything so polarized, it's difficult to have that. And a lot of it has to do with the people/organizations that contribute to their campaigns. Money in politics has gotten way out of hand.
It looks like some want either 'rules based' markets or 'unfettered markets.' If I had to choose one, I'd go with 'unfettered' as I do have faith in the people to avoid companies that prove themselves unworthy of trust, investment, and in the marketplace.

When that power is given to the legislators and regulators, it becomes impossible to know what is causing what. Look at the public schools, the NSA, or IRS.