It's easy to hate. But it's not very rewarding.
What if somebody actually does something bad to you? Do you seek revenge? Why.
Revenge doesn't do anything for the seeker. It does something bad to the target, but that doesn't do anything good for the seeker. Many who believe in revenge say it makes them feel better about what was done. But that is a shallow way to feel better. And it comes with baggage. There is always the guilt of knowing that doing bad things to other people is bad energy.
The best way for people to conduct themselves is to not have any bad energy with other people.
If wronged by another, the best thing to do about it is to forgive.
And that doesn't have to be said to the other person. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. Nothing need be said at all. Once there is forgiveness in the heart, the bad energy is gone.
But for those seeking revenge, the bad energy lingers. Bad energy causes stress and illness. Until that revenge is exacted, the desire for it hurts the seeker. And afterwards, there is the guilt to live with. Revenge seekers may feel they have gotten even, but really what they have done has been to perpetuate something that is difficult to feel proud of. Not everyone is impressed with revenge, so it can't be shared without wondering if others think less of the revenge seeker for doing that bad thing.
Two wrongs do not make a right. That's why revenge is wrong.
Desiring revenge hurts the one desiring it, not the target. The target probably doesn't give things another thought. It is the revenge-seeker who harbors ill will and bad energy.
What a waste of a perfectly enjoyable life.
Mature people accept what has passed and put things behind them, looking forward to exciting times ahead. Learning lessons and living a wiser, happier life.
Revenge seekers wallow in the past and are unable to be happy or comfortable with things.
Revenge is immature, and a dead end trip. And there is always the possibility that, if seeking revenge on another shallow minded person, that won't be the end of it, and a feud will ensue. Nobody needs that.
Revenge is dumb.
Hatred is dumb.
Better people know how to forgive and move on.