Why We Play


ButterMilk Man
1. Play is a powerful means of practicing survival-promoting skills.
I will suggest in a future letter that this is the original, primary function of play. The young of nearly all mammals play, and research shows that they play largely at activities that are crucial to their long-term survival. Young predators play at predation—at chasing, pouncing, capturing. Young prey animals play at dodging and darting, getting away from predators. I will contend in later letters that young humans, when free to play as fully as they desire, play at all the basic skills that humans everywhere need for their wellbeing, including motor, constructive, linguistic, reasoning, social, and emotional skills.

2. Play is an engine of invention.
Play, as part of its definition, is always creative and often imaginative. In play, people come up with new ideas and creations just for fun, but some of those ideas and creations turn out to be useful in survival-promoting ways. We, more than any other species, are the animal that survives by inventing things. We can inhabit a wide variety of niches and adapt to changes in the environment because of our inventiveness, and much of that comes from play.

3. Play is a means of reducing hostility and promoting cooperation.
We are a highly social species. Our survival as individuals and as a species depends on our ability to cooperate with one another. Social play always requires the voluntary participation of both (or all) participants, so it is always an exercise in cooperation. Play brings people together and creates the friendships and mutual trust that are essential for peaceful human existence.

This is from Peter Gray's Play Makes Us Human Substack. Now there is a strong statement. I am not sure that I go that far but a lot of what ails us now especially in America is that kids dont play amongst themselves anymore, they never learn the skills of playing, which greatly diminishes their lives as adults. Adult run and supervised games are no substitute, nor are sports.
Everything here sounds correct so I’m not sure what kind of discussion you’re looking for.

We could start with why we dont allow kids to play on their own, why adults always feel the need to degrade their skills by running kid playtimes.
Helicopter parenting has been a complete disaster, but I see almost no recognition of this in the societal conversation.
We could start with why we dont allow kids to play on their own, why adults always feel the need to degrade their skills by running kid playtimes.

I would say it’s because it’s a more dangerous world now.

When I was young my parents would kick me out in the morning and say be back for lunch but nowadays that is just too dangerous.

As the nation has become more dangerous the parents have become more protective to the point where they feel the need to monitor their children constantly and I don’t blame them for that.
I would say it’s because it’s a more dangerous world now.

When I was young my parents would kick me out in the morning and say be back for lunch but nowadays that is just too dangerous.

As the nation has become more dangerous the parents have become more protective to the point where they feel the need to monitor their children constantly and I don’t blame them for that.

Helicopter parenting is clearly a manifestation of the devouring mother, which makes it a failure of men, as men must stand up to this for the good of the kids, the next generation.
Helicopter parenting is clearly a manifestation of the devouring mother, which makes it a failure of men, as men must stand up to this for the good of the kids, the next generation.

I am curious how you arrived at your assumption parents don’t let their children play.

You didn’t mention that.
We could start with why we dont allow kids to play on their own, why adults always feel the need to degrade their skills by running kid playtimes.

Oh good, another thread all about your various issues stemming from your terrible childhood. *gets popcorn*
I am curious how you arrived at your assumption parents don’t let their children play.

You didn’t mention that.

Hawkeye sadly has some serious and self-admitted problems with substance abuse. He often uses this forum as his personal psychiatrist's couch. This thread isn't about play at all. It's about Hawkeye and his awful childhood and horrible, pathetic adult existence. lol
I am curious how you arrived at your assumption parents don’t let their children play.

You didn’t mention that.

Observation of reality. If you dont know this then I invite you to launch an investigation, the lack of play and ability to play is a fundamental flaw in this society. It now hobbles adults, just look at the very low quality of play here at JPP for example.
Observation of reality. If you dont know this then I invite you to launch an investigation, the lack of play and ability to play is a fundamental flaw in this society. It now hobbles adults, just look at the very low quality of play here at JPP for example.

I would guess it’s a generational thing where each generational has become more dependent.

Boomers didn’t care what their kids did, gen x became a bit more concerned about what their kids were doing plus 9/11 happened and they passed this fear down to millennials who then compounded that fear with their own insecurities and passed that down to gen z
Hawkeye sadly has some serious and self-admitted problems with substance abuse. He often uses this forum as his personal psychiatrist's couch. This thread isn't about play at all. It's about Hawkeye and his awful childhood and horrible, pathetic adult existence. lol

He seems normal to me.
I would guess it’s a generational thing where each generational has become more dependent.

Boomers didn’t care what their kids did, gen x became a bit more concerned about what their kids were doing plus 9/11 happened and they passed this fear down to gen x who then compounded that fear with their own insecurities and passed that down to gen z

Gen X'ers often complain that they were left on their own too much, that they were latchkey kids left to take care of themselves. But they are not the cause of Helicopter parenting, the other extreme, which really kicked in mid 90's. You have something about fear, as the America masses have been fed a constant diet of fear since the early 80's, very often driven by the feminists who have used fear to drive their agenda.
Gen X'ers often complain that they were left on their own too much, that they were latchkey kids left to take care of themselves. But they are not the cause of Helicopter parenting, the other extreme, which really kicked in mid 90's. You have something about fear, as the America masses have been fed a constant diet of fear since the early 80's, very often driven by the feminists who have used fear to drive their agenda.

So more than likely it is a combination of many factors that would take an extensive study to uncover.

Some questions do not have simple answers.

This would be a great topic for a dissertation
Observation of reality. If you dont know this then I invite you to launch an investigation, the lack of play and ability to play is a fundamental flaw in this society. It now hobbles adults, just look at the very low quality of play here at JPP for example.

Don't know about you, I can only surmise by your posts, but as children we played outside all day coming in for lunch and supper or after school, no constant adult supervision
The way this society has become more feminine, and in a bad way, is integral to understanding the disaster that is helicopter parenting that has lead to the loss of play and play skills. Mothers have always wanted to over supervise the kids, it has been the men who have kept that in check over generations.