Why We Play

The way this society has become more feminine, and in a bad way, is integral to understanding the disaster that is helicopter parenting that has lead to the loss of play and play skills. Mothers have always wanted to over supervise the kids, it has been the men who have kept that in check over generations.

Yes. This post is just perfectly "normal," isn't it? :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
The way this society has become more feminine, and in a bad way, is integral to understanding the disaster that is helicopter parenting that has lead to the loss of play and play skills. Mothers have always wanted to over supervise the kids, it has been the men who have kept that in check over generations.

Poor Steve, mommy kept a close eye on you, you are one those kids that some mothers who made their kids go shopping with them instead of play with other kids
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Funny how some here cannot add to the conversation because they are simpletons and incompetent.

Kids aren't taught what we were taught in school. We stood for the National Anthem and said the Pledge of Allegiance. Today, it's just fine to dishonor both. We were taught respect for others, and many of us were trained in the safe use of firearms at an early age. We played football and baseball and did all the silly (but not harmful) things kids did. We raced our bicycles against each other. Hell, some of us even made our own fireworks. We had fun with other kids. Our parents came to our Little League games. They took us places. They would turn us loose and tell us when to be home...and we came home on time.
We didn't have cell phones or Facebook. We didn't have "cyber bullying." I went to my cousin's for Easter dinner. After we ate, everyone (who wasn't helping clean up) went from table to cell phone.The kids didn't even talk. It's a completely different world than we grew up in. We didn't have a media that was easily accessible who put assholes and what weapons they chose to kill others with in a spotlight. We didn't have kids shooting other kids just for the hell of it.
Do kids have it better today than we did?
I would say it’s because it’s a more dangerous world now.

When I was young my parents would kick me out in the morning and say be back for lunch but nowadays that is just too dangerous.

As the nation has become more dangerous the parents have become more protective to the point where they feel the need to monitor their children constantly and I don’t blame them for that.

When I was a kid we had the Oakland County child killer running loose and our parents still made us go outside. We also had weirdos trying to give blotter acid to kids. The world isn't more dangerous today.
When I was a kid we had the Oakland County child killer running loose and our parents still made us go outside. We also had weirdos trying to give blotter acid to kids. The world isn't more dangerous today.

Well crime statistics say otherwise but ok
"Not all, but overall....grandparents & parents are lacking and nothing like they used to be.

We know better (as adults) but will we do better?

Faith based;
sight unseen." C. Grant
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wally , more Arby the rural rube tales of the straight and narrow from yesteryear, shades of leave it to beaver and father knows best !! Those dag blane lib'rules made it all go away even though the 50 and 60's were the height of the middle class and unions.