Why we should politicize the Newtown shooting, starting right now

It is not obvious at all. You have talked about confronting and attacking someone who is simply carrying a firearm. You have no legal right to do that. The fact that they, by simply carrying a firearm, cause you such fear and panic that you feel justified in attacking them shows your own paranoia.

Tator's such a coward and chickenshit.
The cowardice comes from the idiot that unduly upsets the peace and tranquility in a non-threatening atmosphere by wearing his penis extender in his futile attempt at big boy intimidation. You're really a very afraid person, aren't you? This is really getting to you, isn't it? Good.

LOL! Obviously you are the one wh is afraid. You are willing to physically assault someone because they "upset the peace & tranquility"? Merely seeing that someone has a firearm upsets your peace & tranquility? lol
My objective is to deny them the intimidation factor they have planned for me. That is a perceived threat that will stand up for me in any fair minded court of law. That's life, cowgirl.

So when that cop tasers your ass, for confronting him, will you film it and post it on YouTube?
Let me say this one more time. Abuse of the law is not following the law. You are severely confused on this subject as you are on about everything else I've ever seen you opine about.

How is carrying a weapon, if you have a permit or are following the local laws, "abusing the law"? Your assault on the person is a clear violation of the law. But the person carrying the firearm is not doing anything illegal or wrong.
You play your little games and I'll play mine but don't be surprised if you happen to walk up on me or someone like me and you're toting that you get the shit slapped out of you as you should. Intimidation begets intimidation, girlyman.

What are you going to do bitch; hit them with your purse?
First off, I won't be asking any judge or jury to do anything like you say. I believe that the girlyman entering into an otherwise peaceful and non-threatening environment and packing heat will be the one answering the questions and pleading for mercy.

If you think differently, go for it.


You're so full of shit.
If the girlymen were simply "following" a law everyone would be required to strap on a penis extender aka sidearm. I don't tolerate the abuse of the law. Got a problem with that?

I have a CCW. I will carry a firearm any time I feel it is warranted. If you would like to TRY and assault me, I'm sure we could settle it rather quickly. When you get out of the hospital, I can enjoy watching you be prosecuted.
Their violating of my peace and comfort is an abuse of the law. Not any kind of "following" the law. Step a little closer with that hogleg hanging on your hip. We'll get this worked out one way or another, won't we? Or maybe I might step a little closer. Hmmmmmm. Interesting.

But you fail to take into account that the Courts, who rule on the law(s), have already ruled that is perfectly legal for them to carry; so the fact that you FEEL intimidated, just means that you're a fucking coward.
I really don't know but the intimidation factor that is intended by the carrier is certainly there. You takes your chances, don't you?

By your "standards", a legal gun carrier can shoot you on sight; because they don't know your intentions and may be intimidated by your face. :D
Except they are not. You simply proclaiming it does not make it so. They most certainly ARE following the law.

It would be truly comical if you actually tried to commit battery against someone who was armed. Like I stated, you would end up shot or you would go to jail for battery. Please follow through with your message board nonsense in the real world. I want to read about your Darwin award.

"...you would end up shot or you would go to jail for battery..."
so your personal safety, fueled by paranoia, trumps the constitutional rights of a law abiding citizen? ROFL, yeah, i expect to read your obit or arrest report soon. ok, maybe not. I don't think you have the guts to do something so stupid.

He's not even allowed to leave the basement; so the only person he's going to approach, is his mom.
The cowardice comes from the idiot that unduly upsets the peace and tranquility in a non-threatening atmosphere by wearing his penis extender in his futile attempt at big boy intimidation. You're really a very afraid person, aren't you? This is really getting to you, isn't it? Good.

You sure seem to be focusing on peni lately, shorty.
I made a statement similar to that but I don't recall much discussion about it. You in? Carry on.

Allow me to help you with your own stupidity.

So if you see someone on the street carrying a gun you are going to front them and do what exactly?

That will be a choice I make and then what? Depends. But that threat and violation of my comfort zone will end and as abruptly as possible.

Seems like a good way to get into a fight or get shot but hey to each his own.

It will be a two hit fight. I strike the perp. The perp strikes the ground. Simple.

then the perp gets his two hits in.....probably between your eyes and you won't even be aware of hitting the ground....lol

It may not matter to you but you have no concern with being charged with assault for walking up to a man an attacking him?

I don't think I'll be charged with anything at all. Possibly the carrier for no license, inciting violence, disturbing the peace, or whatever else. I will be standing my ground and exercising my right to feel safe and not intimidated in an otherwise peaceful and non-threatening environment. Maybe a gamble but probably not. Gunslingers go out looking for trouble and I am him. It ain't no laughing matter.

Since the person is making no secret about carrying, the chances are pretty good he has a licence (or CCW permit). How exactly is he inciting violence? I saw no mention of him making any move towards you, and you are talking about harassing or attacking him. He is not disturbing the peace. He is simply carrying a firearm. The two are not the same thing.

People who carry firearms are not looking for trouble. In fact, on numerous occasions they stopped the trouble.

Says you. The eyes of the law see it quite differently. I'll simply be preserving my peace, security and sense of well-being. Gunslingers have no such motives.

There's more; but it's just you talking out of your ass and then getting it spanked.
If anyone see's yurt around would you tell him that I think he is a complete fucking fraud and a certain bore unmatched on this board by anyone. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Hey Shorty.
Someone suggested that if anyone saw you. that they should tell you that you a complete fucking fraud and a certain bore unmatched on this board by anyone. :D