As a result of the election of Donald Trump, the media has completely shed any hint of objectivity. Their left leaning agenda propagated by supporting false narratives, race hustling editorials and non-stop negative attacks on the Trump Presidency are evidence of the reasons they longer provide a check or a balance.
During the Obama years, the media bent over backwards to defend the failed policies of the Obama Administration, finding anything economically good in Obamunisms malaise and buried news that would shed a bad light on the man.
Any criticisms were shut down by shrill cries of racism.
Now, there is never any good news but an ongoing cacophony of delusional ramblings about Russian collusion and interference combine with never ending criticisms about a thing Trump supports.
I believe that most Americans are tuning out the TDS lunacy of the talking heads and the false narratives being promoted by the media.....that this nation is rife with police committed crimes and racism.
Today, I take everything I see, hear and read from them with cynicism and disdain.
I'm hoping that the American people will send the left, the media and the Democratic Party of the Jackass a resounding message this fall.