Why WHITE LIBS want Greenland to remain ruled by the King of an Aryan Nation

Why WHITE LIBS want Greenland to remain ruled by the King of an Aryan Nation​

Only a Neo-Nazi would think that Denmark is a "Aryan Nation." The Aryans were a group of Indo-Europeans that settled from Iran to India. They were basically the Eastern Indo-Europeans, not the Western Indo-Europeans. They did not move to Denmark, or Europe.

The Nazis mistakenly thought they were Aryans. And BigBitch has continued that mistake here, showing himself to be a Neo-Nazi.

White libs believe all minorities need to be ruled by them, the Great White Saviors.
Greenland is run by the Greenlanders now, and you admit they are mostly Inuits. trump wants to seize it from them, and become the "Great White Savior."

Ignorant White lib thinks he's better than minorities.
Inuits are not a minority in Greenland. You are under the misconception that white are the majority everywhere.

Says the White Lib Biden cultist.
The weird part about your post is that no one is raising Biden up to be the singular leader, while you are raising trump up to be the singular leader. If Biden told us to storm the Capitol Building, we would wonder what is wrong with Biden; we would not storm the Capitol Building.

We could have it all!
You demand we seize everyone else's country?
Are you trying to be clever? What is this? I'm not understanding. It is clear you don't know any history so I can only assume this is some sort of "gambit" you are playing to sound...ummmm...funny?

Did Squidward down at the Krusty Krab witness this alleged submarine sighting you mentioned?

Are any of the damp denizens of Bikini Bottom prepared to back your wonderful watery waffling?

Perhaps the Little Mermaid could vouch for the validity of your adventurous anecdote?

Captain Nemo, perhaps?

Only a Neo-Nazi would think that Denmark is a "Aryan Nation." The Aryans were a group of Indo-Europeans that settled from Iran to India. They were basically the Eastern Indo-Europeans, not the Western Indo-Europeans. They did not move to Denmark, or Europe.

The Nazis mistakenly thought they were Aryans. And BigBitch has continued that mistake here, showing himself to be a Neo-Nazi.

Greenland is run by the Greenlanders now, and you admit they are mostly Inuits. trump wants to seize it from them, and become the "Great White Savior."

Inuits are not a minority in Greenland. You are under the misconception that white are the majority everywhere.

The weird part about your post is that no one is raising Biden up to be the singular leader, while you are raising trump up to be the singular leader. If Biden told us to storm the Capitol Building, we would wonder what is wrong with Biden; we would not storm the Capitol Building.

You demand we seize everyone else's country?
N4Ts believe whatever trump tells them to believe.

Like good, obedient little N's4T they only live to support and serve the massa.
Does Time.com speak for black Americans, or is that your job?
The article was written by John McWhorter, not Time Magazine...


I'll take his word for it.
Tell you what. Start a thread and spell out N4T in the title.

Tell you what. Pretend I'm trump and French kiss my asshole.
The article was written by John McWhorter, not Time Magazine...

It was published on Time.com per Y O U R link.

Neither they, (the publisher), John McWhorter, or Y O U speak for all black Americans, as far as I know.

Since you won't type the word in a thread title, how about asking a black policeman if it's OK to call him a N4T, and ask him register for a JPP account so he can DM me with the bodycam video?
It was published on Time.com per Y O U R link.
Publishing an op ed piece does not = speaking for anyone.

Legitimate news websites publish op ed pieces on all manner of topics from all sides.

If you ever actually read legitimate news as opposed to right-wing, pro-trumper bullshit propaganda, you'd understand that without having it explained to you like a child
Neither they, (the publisher), John McWhorter, or Y O U speak for all black Americans, as far as I know.
Neither do you.

But I'll take McWhorter's word for it over the word of a low-minded trumper cultist jackoff like you.
Since you won't type the word in a thread title, how about asking a black policeman if it's OK to call him a N4T, and ask him register for a JPP account so he can DM me with the bodycam video?
Since you're the one with the unhinged obsession over it, why don't you go ahead and do it yourself?

Nobody else cares.

Obviously you've realized that I'm right about how you trumpers have all turned yourselves into lowly N4Ts and it's driving you over the edge.
Publishing an op ed piece does not = speaking for anyone.

So you'll agree that you were wrong to cite Time.com as the source for your belief that it';s OK to use the N word as long as you don't pronounce the "r".

So you'll agree that you were wrong to cite Time.com as the source for your belief that it';s OK to use the N word as long as you don't pronounce the "r".

I don't agree to any nonsense you belch or fart, trumper jackass
I suspect that any random black person you might dare test your theory on might care.

And I suspect that you know that.

Hence your cowardice.
Spoken like the real N4T that you are.