Why won't they answer - are they scared?


The chance of a landslide for Clinton is growing. I saw where Nate Silver said a Clinton landslide is more likely than a Trump win.

How large is this "landslide" supposed to be, that Jarod predicts?? :dunno:

Proof positive that Stand Your Ground only applies if you shoot at a black person.

Zimmerman pulled a gun, and threatened this guy.

And the proof of that is..................??

Thread by Watermark:
Man sentenced to 20 years for missing child murderer

What child was murdered?
i mean there really aren't any good polls for trump and he's behind in like all battlegrounds. I know it sucks but crooked hillary will probably be our corrupter in chief. Hopefully something sudden and "terrible" happens to her one day.

the only good news for trump is that if there is any election where a crazy upset could happen, it's probably this one given how volatile it has been. or clinton voters get overconfident and stay home. 15% is still 15% and it's not like that's a crazy absurd percentage. you watch football games every week where a 15%'er gets pulled off.

there was a great article a few months back about how people really don't understand probability and always seem to round "30% down to zero" in their minds.

But undoubtedly you'd rather be crooked hillary right now (if you dont value having a soul or a conscience)
I don't predict a landslide, so the question becomes how do you see Trump winning? What states will he get?
i mean there really aren't any good polls for trump and he's behind in like all battlegrounds. I know it sucks but crooked hillary will probably be our corrupter in chief. Hopefully something sudden and "terrible" happens to her one day.

the only good news for trump is that if there is any election where a crazy upset could happen, it's probably this one given how volatile it has been. or clinton voters get overconfident and stay home. 15% is still 15% and it's not like that's a crazy absurd percentage. you watch football games every week where a 15%'er gets pulled off.

there was a great article a few months back about how people really don't understand probability and always seem to round "30% down to zero" in their minds.

But undoubtedly you'd rather be crooked hillary right now (if you dont value having a soul or a conscience)

you are the soulless one sociopath
by the by

how many fake scandals have you shits tried on the Clintons because you couldn't find real ones

she is the most vetted candidate in history
you are the soulless one sociopath

keep telling yourself that as you vote for someone that voted for the iraq war (that you were massively against), has "joked" about murdering people she disagrees with, has laughed with glee about getting a child rapist off, someone who made money on cattle futures in the most obvious scam of all time (for it to be legit it would have been a trillion:1 shot) and who the rule of law doesn't matter given even after being subpoena'd she purposely deleted emails and put our national security at risk by having them on her shody server, because her ability to scheme is more important to her.
by the by

how many fake scandals have you shits tried on the Clintons because you couldn't find real ones

she is the most vetted candidate in history

the email thing is not a 'fake scandal' you fucking retard. But I suppose you think it's perfectly normal for her husband to rendevouz on an airport tarmac days before the FBI makes their decision.
keep telling yourself that as you vote for someone that voted for the iraq war (that you were massively against), has "joked" about murdering people she disagrees with, has laughed with glee about getting a child rapist off, someone who made money on cattle futures in the most obvious scam of all time (for it to be legit it would have been a trillion:1 shot) and who the rule of law doesn't matter given even after being subpoena'd she purposely deleted emails and put our national security at risk by having them on her shody server, because her ability to scheme is more important to her.

Landslide? There are 3 polls out today that has Trump leading by 2, 43% to 41% (Rasmussen)....Trump by 1, 41% to 40% (Investors Business Daily).....Trump by 1, 45% to 44% (LA TIMES/USC), the LA TIMES poll was head to head the Rasmussen included Trump, Hildabeast, Gary Johnson, and Jill Stein, as well as did the Investors Business Daily poll.

As always....the pollsters can edit the questions to make anyone they want at any given time appear to be in the lead. Again...the only poll that matters will not happen until Nov. 8, 2016.

The gossip and mudslinging certainly is entertaining.....not to mention the propaganda. :) Once again...history points out the reality, when the candidates are in a virtual tie this late in the game.....the incumbents are in trouble. To bad...any reasonable person knows that regardless of who wins....its a media driven DEMOCRAT win, as both are nothing but bat shit crazy democrats.

The most entertaining reality of this election is the spinning propaganda that asks, "....what will the republicans do about TRUMP?" Inferring that Trump somehow is representative of conservatives. The question that the media and the democrats should be asking is, "Who pissed in Donald Trump's cornflakes that would anger him so much that the life long democrat would pretend to be a republican and attack his own parties ideologies that he has historically protected?" Priceless. Trump a lifelong democrat...goes rouge and the spin is its supposed to hurt the republicans? Really? Ask yourself one simple question. If that is true....why fire all the ammunition at the media's command at TRUMP in defense of Hildabeast? If Trump is so bad for the republicans....why not support him and allow the Trojan horse inside the walls of TROY? Truth? Trump is nothing but a rogue democrat gone off the reservation. The election was determined in the primaries...its over and has been for months.

The reality? Trump double crossed the god ole boy's and gals (femi-nazis) in the party of jack asses and instead of being a shill....his megalomania got the best of him, he bought into the media propaganda an thinks he can really win and dethrone the media's hand picked betrothed HILDABEAST. Now they (the powers that be) face the real possibility of a rouge un-controlled Trump presidency. Even Goebbles has a bad day now and again. :)
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So just before you referenced Nate Silver, you didn't say.....

So how large is this "landslide" supposed to be, Jarod??

Just so you know, the chances growing, is not the same as predicting a landslide. I doubt it will be a landslide, but it is more likely today than it was last week.
Just so you know, the chances growing, is not the same as predicting a landslide. I doubt it will be a landslide, but it is more likely today than it was last week.

NO-NO-NO, Jarod; don't start backpedaling now.
You implied that there would be a landslide, so how big is this landslide supposed to be?
You assumed I was implying a land slide, but your lack of understanding of basic logic caused that, not my wording.

I expect an Obama size win, not a Bill Clinton style landslide.
You assumed I was implying a land slide, but your lack of understanding of basic logic caused that, not my wording.

I expect an Obama size win, not a Bill Clinton style landslide.

You're the one who said, so are you just trying to act like a lawyer and are trying to say you didn't say it?
How big is the landslide supposed to be, Jarod?

The chance of a landslide for Clinton is growing...