Why would this be in FOX news political category ?

D.C. Probe Finds Dozens of Employees Watched Porn Online

Thursday, January 24, 2008

WASHINGTON — An investigation of city computers found that dozens of employees frequented pornographic Web sites at work and clicked on thousands of images, the mayor said Wednesday.

As many as nine district workers from various agencies, including the Child and Family Services Agency, will be fired after an internal investigation found that each had clicked on porn images more than 19,000 times last year, Mayor Adrian Fenty said.

An additional 32 employees who each visited porn sites more than 2,000 times last year will be suspended or reprimanded, he said.

The investigation did not reveal any evidence of child pornography, said acting D.C. Attorney General Peter Nickles.


Retarded. Why would anyone fire someone for clicking on porn? Bandwidth is cheap. Give it a rest. And - ZOMG?! A person from the FAMILY AND CHILD PROTECTIVE AGENCY has a libido? Outrageous!
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That would be "libido" not "labeto". It took me a couple seconds before I could tell what you were saying. Otherwise misspelling doesn't bother me all that much...
And it would be better if their taxes were spent at political websites? Employees waste time. Fact of life. Get over it and get a life.
I was simply pointing out why it is in the "political" area of the paper. Then mentioning that it wasn't a crime.
I was simply pointing out why it is in the "political" area of the paper. Then mentioning that it wasn't a crime.

Few people are as libertine as us at this site though, Damo...

Porn is something that needs to be eradicated in Mississippi to this day, according to most Mississippians, probably even most of the 5% or so of the state that identifies itself as liberal.