Why you should always get a second opinion

I'll definitely get a second opinion after reading htis piece- that's for sure. But I still think the hospital should have to pony up since they did give him the wrong diagnosis. They should have protocols in place to double check that type of diagnosis anyway. When I worked at a Diagnostic Testing company if people were tested positive for just about anything, there sample was tested again. Also, if it was a serious disease like HIV, it was done again 3 or 4 times. I'm baffled as to how a medical staff could misdiagnose something like that and not bother double checking. Not holding them accountable will only set the stage for them to do it again.
I'll definitely get a second opinion after reading htis piece- that's for sure. But I still think the hospital should have to pony up since they did give him the wrong diagnosis. They should have protocols in place to double check that type of diagnosis anyway. When I worked at a Diagnostic Testing company if people were tested positive for just about anything, there sample was tested again. Also, if it was a serious disease like HIV, it was done again 3 or 4 times. I'm baffled as to how a medical staff could misdiagnose something like that and not bother double checking. Not holding them accountable will only set the stage for them to do it again.
The story does not give the position of the hospital, nor say how many times they checked. It does state that when rehashed by an inquiry that the result would have been the same. It seems that retesting was likely done, but the article doesn't cover it. Instead we just assume.
Well, obviously he wouldn't have spent everything if he hadn't been misdiagnosed. I definitely think some form of compensation for the emotional stress he's been put through is due.
Well he does have a good...

tort claim for mal-practice..they should be liable for the mis diagnosis...however he should be a 'happy camper' since he did get to party hardy...Todays medical community should take notice of this...they have the cancer diagnosis all wrong anyhoo...imho it is nothing more than the aging process...most if not all die from the treatment rather than the disease anyhoo!:clink:
I'll definitely get a second opinion after reading htis piece- that's for sure. But I still think the hospital should have to pony up since they did give him the wrong diagnosis. They should have protocols in place to double check that type of diagnosis anyway. When I worked at a Diagnostic Testing company if people were tested positive for just about anything, there sample was tested again. Also, if it was a serious disease like HIV, it was done again 3 or 4 times. I'm baffled as to how a medical staff could misdiagnose something like that and not bother double checking. Not holding them accountable will only set the stage for them to do it again.
You do realize that medical tests are designed, purposefully, to give false positives.