Wicked Witch


Worst gambler ever

The crafty menace will not let the interest of her party, her country, or the world interfere with her selfish ambition. I wonder what she would do if she was Queen?


A day before a Democratic panel is to determine how to seat the delegations of Florida and Michigan, the Clinton campaign's chief lawyer said the committee is compelled to seat both delegations fully and not award Sen. Barack Obama any delegates from Michigan.


Who still supports her? McCain must be firing blanks into his depends over this.

The crafty menace will not let the interest of her party, her country, or the world interfere with her selfish ambition. I wonder what she would do if she was Queen?


A day before a Democratic panel is to determine how to seat the delegations of Florida and Michigan, the Clinton campaign's chief lawyer said the committee is compelled to seat both delegations fully and not award Sen. Barack Obama any delegates from Michigan.


Who still supports her? McCain must be firing blanks into his depends over this.


Off with your head.

The crafty menace will not let the interest of her party, her country, or the world interfere with her selfish ambition. I wonder what she would do if she was Queen?


A day before a Democratic panel is to determine how to seat the delegations of Florida and Michigan, the Clinton campaign's chief lawyer said the committee is compelled to seat both delegations fully and not award Sen. Barack Obama any delegates from Michigan.


Who still supports her? McCain must be firing blanks into his depends over this.

i do - should florida and michigan dems be disenfranchised - still another election for them would be best

besides, it ain't over till its over
i do - should florida and michigan dems be disenfranchised - still another election for them would be best

besides, it ain't over till its over

Do you really DQ? Good for you. I don't, but I'm way over getting angry about Hillary or her supporters. Whatever happens, happens. I guess it's things like "hundred hussy march" and wicked witch imagery that "liberal" men find so amusing, which have just made me feel like; whatever. At this point? If Hillary is what they get rammed up their butts? Man, do they have that coming. I prefer Obama, by far, but....whatever.
Am I bad because I despised Thatcher's policies?

Am I okay because I (despite my leftish political leanings) think Merkel isn' t doing a bad job?

I won't take it further, but of course I can.

I don't care what's between their legs, I DO care what's between their ears.
This isnt from the Obama campaign now is it?

This is what any woman is going to have to face when she runs for president and it will never stop.

If she isnt woman enough to take the barbs and stand tall and fight for what she truely believes in and accept the will of the people then she is not the right woman for the job.

She needs to take a lesson from Obama. He has not once yet cried " they are treating me this way because Im black". He knows that those cries will fall on deaf ears and will only make some think he is too weak to take the pressure. What she should have done was when people said she was being treated differently because she was a woman is " briong it on ,this woman can take it. When you hear people call me names like witch and the one that rhymes with it remember, They are desperate and it shows that Im winning the battle of ideas and its Ideas that will save this country and no amount of name calling is going to change the power of a good idea at the right time. Call away and prove your lack of Ideas"

Can you imagine the impact that would have had?
Am I bad because I despised Thatcher's policies?

Am I okay because I (despite my leftish political leanings) think Merkel isn' t doing a bad job?

I won't take it further, but of course I can.

I don't care what's between their legs, I DO care what's between their ears.

No, and asking that question is an oversimplification of Superfreak proportions. Because someone says that some people are affected by racism and Obama won't get their votes, that is not the same thing as saying that anyone who doesnt vote for Obama, is a racist.

I wouldn't vote for Condi Rice, under any circumstances. Nor would I say I'd like to see that bitches face if she was raped, which a radio talk show host said about her several years ago, and which infuriated me anyway.

I'm not going to type this stuff out anymore. I've done it till I could puke, and still some 'liberal" men will insist that I am saying that if you don't like Hillary, you're a sexist. At this point, that's their problem, not mine. But this is the first time I"ve ever spoken to you about it, so I hope you get what I am saying, if not that's ok. :)
This isnt from the Obama campaign now is it?


Nope, and I never said it was.

I simply said I'm tired of talking about this, arguing about this, and swallowing what I consider to be stupid statements from liberals.

I no longer am as invested in who gets the D nomination. I'd rather it was Obama, but I don't really give a shit anymore all that much. That's all. Nothing to do with Obama, or with Hillary. Just bullshit overload.
Yeah this is just what the hill was hoping to do to the party in an attempt to squeak in.

She did not care about the country as much as she cares about her election to the presidency. She desided to go down fighting even if she tarnished the Clinton name , lamed the party and helped McCain win. Thanks for keeping it real Hillary.
No, and asking that question is an oversimplification of Superfreak proportions. Because someone says that some people are affected by racism and Obama won't get their votes, that is not the same thing as saying that anyone who doesnt vote for Obama, is a racist.

I wouldn't vote for Condi Rice, under any circumstances. Nor would I say I'd like to see that bitches face if she was raped, which a radio talk show host said about her several years ago, and which infuriated me anyway.

I'm not going to type this stuff out anymore. I've done it till I could puke, and still some 'liberal" men will insist that I am saying that if you don't like Hillary, you're a sexist. At this point, that's their problem, not mine. But this is the first time I"ve ever spoken to you about it, so I hope you get what I am saying, if not that's ok. :)

Of course! And as Indi would tell you, it's none of my business anyway. But I asked those questions for a reason.

Obviously I can only speak for myself but I don't give a rat's about the gender or race of a politician. I do care about policy. With all due respect the debate in the US sometimes looks like (to me as an outsider) to be a vote for a monarch. You need to get over it, and I say that in friendly manner.

Policy. Policy. Policy.

Not gender. Not race.

As a foreigner I don't care if Hlllary or Barack gets the nominatioin. And agan as Indi would be quick to point out, I have no say anyway.

I'm interested in what they stand for. I have an interest because the US isn't Iceland. How you decide affects us all.

No disrespect to Iceland (just a word, cheaper beer there would be a good idea).
Of course! And as Indi would tell you, it's none of my business anyway. But I asked those questions for a reason.

Obviously I can only speak for myself but I don't give a rat's about the gender or race of a politician. I do care about policy. With all due respect the debate in the US sometimes looks like (to me as an outsider) to be a vote for a monarch. You need to get over it, and I say that in friendly manner.

Policy. Policy. Policy.

Not gender. Not race.

As a foreigner I don't care if Hlllary or Barack gets the nominatioin. And agan as Indi would be quick to point out, I have no say anyway.

I'm interested in what they stand for. I have an interest because the US isn't Iceland. How you decide affects us all.

No disrespect to Iceland (just a word, cheaper beer there would be a good idea).

You would never find me telling you that you don't have an interest in who becomes President of the United states. I understand fully how much we affect the rest of the world, and it's only fools who don't. Sadly, we have a lot of fools in this country. :)
Yeah this is just what the hill was hoping to do to the party in an attempt to squeak in.

She did not care about the country as much as she cares about her election to the presidency. She desided to go down fighting even if she tarnished the Clinton name , lamed the party and helped McCain win. Thanks for keeping it real Hillary.

You know what strikes me as veryfunny Desh? I never once said this had anything to do with Obama, who I still think is the better candidate and would probably make the better President, and who I still hope wins. BUT, the first question you asked me ANYWAY, was "this didn't come from the obama campaign now did it?" And after I pointed out that indeed it had not, nor did I ever say it had, YOU blamed Hilary!

LOL! You are fabulous Desh, really. So now this thread came from the Hillary campaign! Come on desh, really.

anyway, I'm off to a float day that my friend is having which involves a bunch of women floating around in her pool sipping mojotoes which I will be making.

Enjoy your weekend Desh. :)
Have fun floatin Darla , mojitos are nasty though. Maybe Ive just never had yours.

I keep thinking Im going to get sick of politics some day and somehow I never do.
Yeah this is just what the hill was hoping to do to the party in an attempt to squeak in.

She did not care about the country as much as she cares about her election to the presidency. She desided to go down fighting even if she tarnished the Clinton name , lamed the party and helped McCain win. Thanks for keeping it real Hillary.

I completely agree with this and it's the core of what many have been saying.

This has been a contrived effort by the Clintons, most specifically BILL Clinton, to force their will on the American people.

What amazes me is how many people fell for it.
simply stated, the DNC NEVER had the authority to take all of the Delegates away from Florida and from Michigan, according to their own DNC Charter.

they had the ability to cut their pledged delegates in half while leaving all super delegates in place or to keep all pledged delegates in place along with all super/unpledged delegates in place...

What the Dnc Rules and Bylaws committee did, when they stripped them completely of both pledged delegates and uncommitted/super delegates, was break their own Constitution, their own DNC Charter, OUT OF PURE ARROGANCE, I might add as commentary...

None of what is going on here is Hillary's "fault" as implied, though I can understand the dislike for her...

so those of you taking the side of disenfranchising the voters of Florida and Michigan for purely political reasons and posturing to unfairly win this election, (Obama supporters) :D, can chom pn it...

you were wrong, all along....the citizen does count, moreso than the stupid rules committee. Our DNC Charter states such, and the DNC ruined Hillary's chances by ILLEGALLY stripping her immediately from the delegates in two of her strongest states, from the very beginning of this primary....making her appear as a loser, when she really was still the leader, at that time.....irrepitable (sp?) damage was done to her campaign because of it too, like dimminishing her to a loser that didn't know when to quit, therefore garnering less financial support.

Howard Dean deserves to be fired, I call for him to be fired and replaced...he should not keep his position, he messed up BIGTIME.

Care she was one fo the people you are accusing of breaking these rules.

Why did Hillary vote against the charter herself if she felt it was breaking the rules?

I dont dislike Hillary personally, I dislike her actions and I also think she is not the right person to solve our problems right now because she ows too many favors and took too much lobby money. Obama has the little guy donations streaming in. The little guy feels hope that they are part of the system and can make this country better for the firrst time in many years. Do you understand what that will men for this country Care.

It is so fun to have something to discuss with you, its great to have you back here giving it to us all. Its a good thing there is differing oppinions with in the party that get hashed out. Its the healthist thing for our party and our country. It makes us stronger and better.
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I can not believe that they will even consider using a poll instead of the actual vote to determine the citizen's vote that actually voted........

THAT IS BREAKING OUR CHARTER...that is illegal and they can not do that just like they couldn't take all of the delegate votes away from Michigan and Florida and they BETTER NOT mess with the private votes of citizens that casted an actual vote, and change it to some poll results.....THAT IS ABSURD and it is ILLEGAL to change a person's vote, that casted a vote
Care she was one fo the people you are accusing of breaking these rules.

Why did Hillary vote against the charter herself if she felt it was breaking the rules?

HILLARY DID NOT VOTE FOR IT HERSELF Desh, for goodness sakes....why did you say Hillary casted a vote? She nor Obama nor Edwards nor any of the Candidates casted a vote for it...so what do you mean?
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Desh, how can you be taking the side of disenfranchisement of the voters that voted?

Please explain this COMPLETE AND OPPOSITE STANCE that you have taken for 4 years...

Even if I were an Obama supporter, I would always take the citizen and his vote as SACRED, and OVER AND ABOVE a bureacracy that was showing arrogance and power...
Desh, how can you be taking the side of disenfranchisement of the voters that voted?

Please explain this COMPLETE AND OPPOSITE STANCE that you have taken for 4 years...

Even if I were an Obama supporter, I would always take the citizen and his vote as SACRED, and OVER AND ABOVE a bureacracy that was showing arrogance and power...

I did on another thread Ill go get it.