Wikipedia Edits (guess I shouldn't be surprised)


Junior Member
Program created tells who edited something on Wikipedia.

As soon as the software was launched on the internet, chaos erupted.
Among many revelations, Wikipedia Scanner reported that:
- Microsoft tried to cover up the XBOX 360 failure rate

- Apple edit Microsoft entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- Bill Gates revenge? Microsoft edits Apple entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- The Vatican edits Irish Catholic politician Gerry Adams page

- In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”

- Exxon Mobil edits spillages and eco-system destruction from oil spillages article

- FBI edits Guantanamo Bay, removing numerous pictures

- Oil company ChevronTexaco removes informative biodiesel article and deletes a paragraph regarding fines against the company

Paper and the net neither one care what you put on them.

Did those Chevron edits have Toppers handle on them ?
I liked this one the best.

" In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”
Well these are old edits. Wikipedia tracks the IP of the editor and the program just finds out who they belong to so it can go back and see who edited something a year ago.
The software also does not report on edits that were simply rejected and deleted by those who moderate.
I find it interesting WHO is doing this ad WHO is not ,there is a big trend here.
Yeah me too..

Amnesty International removes negative comments

Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans

Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page

UN address calls journalist Oriana Fallaci a racist ‘prostitute’

Someone at Reuters calls Bush “a mass murderer”

BBC changes Blair's drink from coffee to vodka and his workout from the gym to the bedroom. Someone from the BBC also changes Bush’s page, changing the name from ”George Walker Bush” to “George Wan*** Bush”

Some of these are very funny!
Interesting. I guess it just goes to show that wikipedia should be used as a starting point to getting information. Unless its for something fun and non controversial - like movie information.
Wikis are a great way to share information.. but do have these bugs. I think this kid is brilliant coming up with a way to audit changes.. put fear of being found out as a scum bag mis information producer my discourage that behavior.
Interesting. I guess it just goes to show that wikipedia should be used as a starting point to getting information. Unless its for something fun and non controversial - like movie information.

It does. It also shows how incredibly childish some people, with what appear to be very good jobs, can be.
It has been reviewed and even with the purposeful errors it has been determined to be as reliable as encylopedia britanica.

There have been attempts to purposely Harm it I think.
It has been reviewed and even with the purposeful errors it has been determined to be as reliable as encylopedia britanica.

There have been attempts to purposely Harm it I think.
Their Moderators are quick to catch and fix the edits.
Program created tells who edited something on Wikipedia.

As soon as the software was launched on the internet, chaos erupted.
Among many revelations, Wikipedia Scanner reported that:
- Microsoft tried to cover up the XBOX 360 failure rate

- Apple edit Microsoft entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- Bill Gates revenge? Microsoft edits Apple entries, adding more negative comments about its rival

- The Vatican edits Irish Catholic politician Gerry Adams page

- In the 9/11 Wikipedia article, the NRA added that “Iraq was involved in 9/11”

- Exxon Mobil edits spillages and eco-system destruction from oil spillages article

- FBI edits Guantanamo Bay, removing numerous pictures

- Oil company ChevronTexaco removes informative biodiesel article and deletes a paragraph regarding fines against the company

And this is the expert info tht so many on this board link to to find fact?

It is also why I never use it.