Wikipedia Edits (guess I shouldn't be surprised)

Fox News got caught editing entries about Bill O'Reilly, and other Fox News personalities. Reportedly, Fox News got caught deleting the sexual harassment suit from Bill O'Reilly's entry. Among other embarrassing Fox facts.
Fox News got caught editing entries about Bill O'Reilly, and other Fox News personalities. Reportedly, Fox News got caught deleting the sexual harassment suit from Bill O'Reilly's entry. Among other embarrassing Fox facts.
I wonder if it was at the direction of those in the company leadership or just some guy at Fox News editing crap. I can see O'Reilly on the computer furiously taking out bad stuff about himself, talking about sending people to their house because they are 'bad actors'....

Seriously, I doubt the NYT's editors were all, "Go to this site and type, 'jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk,...'
I hope all ip's that did improper edits are now blocked ?


If you just put junk in there, they may block the IP from editing after the second time. For putting wrong information in there, the editors will simply remove it if it's unpopular enough. You can't simply delete someone because you disagree with their message (that would make the encyclopeadia very biased).
Yeah me too..

Amnesty International removes negative comments

Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans

Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page

UN address calls journalist Oriana Fallaci a racist ‘prostitute’

Someone at Reuters calls Bush “a mass murderer”

BBC changes Blair's drink from coffee to vodka and his workout from the gym to the bedroom. Someone from the BBC also changes Bush’s page, changing the name from ”George Walker Bush” to “George Wan*** Bush”

Some of these are very funny!

It's important to note that these organizations did not do this, Damo. Someone from the organization did it on the work computers - it's not like anyone has an official "wikipedia editing" devision. But the people who who work for them are likely to be biased towards their company.

To say that "the BBC" edited wikipedia is completely fallacious.
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Wikis are a great way to share information.. but do have these bugs. I think this kid is brilliant coming up with a way to audit changes.. put fear of being found out as a scum bag mis information producer my discourage that behavior.

The IP address's were always displayed. I have know idea how he figured out where they were coming from.
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it's not like anyone has an official "wikipedia editing" devision.

Umm ya it is called the marketing department dummy. Grow up and learn how business works then maybe we'll care about your opinion. Yeah alot of this "jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk" stuff was most likely made by people goofing off that happened to work at these places but the exxon, microsoft, apple stuff is done for marketing reasons and is not some loner trying to mess things up. People have been caught making edits to change negative things about their company.

Alot of people go to get their info about something they are thinking about buying/investing in. So companies are trying to keep negative info off there. Competitors are also putting up negative info.

Alot of companies are editing entries so bad that they sound like a commercial and they are getting caught for it and the pages are being reverted. It will just start to happen more and more.
Fox News got caught editing entries about Bill O'Reilly, and other Fox News personalities. Reportedly, Fox News got caught deleting the sexual harassment suit from Bill O'Reilly's entry. Among other embarrassing Fox facts.

The DNC headquarters got caught putting insults on Rush Limbaugh's page.
Interesting. I guess it just goes to show that wikipedia should be used as a starting point to getting information. Unless its for something fun and non controversial - like movie information.

It really goes to show that all information disseminated has an agenda behind it, we just see it more in an open forum. This is the most fair system possible.
Umm ya it is called the marketing department dummy. Grow up and learn how business works then maybe we'll care about your opinion. Yeah alot of this "jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk" stuff was most likely made by people goofing off that happened to work at these places but the exxon, microsoft, apple stuff is done for marketing reasons and is not some loner trying to mess things up. People have been caught making edits to change negative things about their company.

Alot of people go to get their info about something they are thinking about buying/investing in. So companies are trying to keep negative info off there. Competitors are also putting up negative info.

Alot of companies are editing entries so bad that they sound like a commercial and they are getting caught for it and the pages are being reverted. It will just start to happen mnore and more.

"Umm ya it is called the marketing department dummy."

I stopped reading after that.

Look, stupid. I could imagine, maybe, the vice president of marketing walking into wikipedia one day after haphazardly typing in his companies article, and glossing over all the bad stuff. I just really can't imagine any company taking time out of their day to tell all their employees to edit something on Wikipedia. It would also be re-edited over in about 30 minutes.

And judging from the low amount of articles it's been done to (The people who wrote this put a lot of effort into finding just these few examples), you could probably assume that it's not very common practice, in any case. The vast majority of fallacious edits come from idiots like you who write stupid opinions into articles.
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Yeah me too..

Amnesty International removes negative comments

Dog breeding association deletes whole paragraphs about fatal attacks by dogs on humans

Fox News removes all controversial topics against the network from the Fox News page

UN address calls journalist Oriana Fallaci a racist ‘prostitute’

Someone at Reuters calls Bush “a mass murderer”

BBC changes Blair's drink from coffee to vodka and his workout from the gym to the bedroom. Someone from the BBC also changes Bush’s page, changing the name from ”George Walker Bush” to “George Wan*** Bush”

Some of these are very funny!

'Amnesty International' also has quite a few members who also belong to 'Code Pink' as well as the other co-conspirators such as the ACLU and many more!
'Amnesty International' also has quite a few members who also belong to 'Code Pink' as well as the other co-conspirators such as the ACLU and many more!
Co Conspirators ? so omnious sounding for a group that defended Rush.

But then I guess anyone who protests a war based on lies and helps to ensure our civil liberties is a threat to neos.