Will AI replace humans?


Yes and no. It is really only as good as the training set it leverages. Beyond that it is not always clear even to the programmers how AI arrived at its preferred results.

Not sure about that. The AI content generators are already doing some pretty impressive work.

Being a programmer myself, I can vouch that its the programmer who tells it how to use the training set.

And I was doing pretty impressive things decades ago before somebody came up with the term AI.
Dont know for sure but our record of miss using tech is now very strong.

Not everything that can be done should be done, but these Modern Morons are generally way too ignorant to know this.
What AI that already exists today has already exceeded my imagination and foresight.

I think it will continue to progress along just fine.

I am worried about man's intelligence though. I don't think we are going to make it for the long run.

Viruses are scary, and so is war. I think we are headed into an era of destroying ourselves, well, I mean each other.

Man has a lot of bad things going for it in terms of Hate, Greed, Politics, and Stupidity. Those things are already becoming one in the same thing.

I do not think Viruses have been used as weapons yet, but I do believe it's coming at some point.

50 years from now, the world could be a mess- if not even sooner.
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What AI that already exists today has already exceeded my imagination and foresight.

I think it will continue to progress along just fine.

I am worried about man's intelligence though. I don't think we are going to make it for the long run.

Viruses are scary, and so is war. I think we are headed into an era of destroying ourselves, well, I mean each other.

Man has a lot of bad things going for it in terms of Hate, Greed, Politics, and Stupidity.

I do not think Viruses have been used as weapons yet, but I do believe it's coming at some point.

50 years from now could be a mess!

I think human biology will be replaced with AI systems or 'robots'
I think human biology will be replaced with AI systems or 'robots'

AI, along with advanced analytics, and sensory technologies are already a huge part of our healthcare systems today.

But even still we can't seem to find the cure for viruses- even the common cold virus!

But, I am an optimist. I think Man did a pretty damn good job in handling the Covid Virus crisis- in spite of all the politics, ignorance, and stupidity surrounding it.

I am still amazed with the mRNA vaccine technology, and I believe it saved the planet!

I am hopeful!
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AI is only as effective as the programmer that wrote it.

It can be very useful at a great number of repetitive tasks.

But replacing humans is only going to happen to those of a low IQ.
Agreed on all points. At least for the foreseeable future.

It would take a lot of circuits to replace an intelligent human brain. That said, more automation will be seen that replaces human work and improves safety.
Being a programmer myself, I can vouch that its the programmer who tells it how to use the training set.

Interesting. I always thought the point of AI was that how it utilized the training set was not always clear. Good to hear that you guys are under the hood and pulling some strings. I just saw a few articles in the pop science press talking about how AI was often flummoxing even the coders as to how it arrived at its final selections.

And I was doing pretty impressive things decades ago before somebody came up with the term AI.

Wow. Really? So you were like an AI pioneer? You must be reasonably famous at this point. AI is exploding!!! This is so cool!