Ross Dolan

Well-known member
Certainly wouldn’t surprise me. His favorability ratings are at historic lows for this point in a president’s first year in office…and “wars” tend to cause people to rally ‘round the flag and support the power structure.

In Trump’s case, a war would almost certainly impact positively on his ratings. He cannot get much lower than he is right now…and his base is committed to him to the point that if he were to shoot someone to death on Fifth Avenue, none would desert him. Almost no downside. And although the up-side is minimal at best…a guy like Trump is shallow enough to go for it…to get what little he can out of it.

For both George HW Bush and George W. Bush…a war was a positive in the popularity ratings. Both jumped between 15 and 20 percent when they started their wars.

Is popularity important to the narcissist?

Hell, yeah!

Is he ramping up the rhetoric in the direction of war?

Hell, yeah!

Any go-to patsies around?

A big one in North Korea.

So…what do you think?

Will he?
Certainly wouldn’t surprise me. His favorability ratings are at historic lows for this point in a president’s first year in office…and “wars” tend to cause people to rally ‘round the flag and support the power structure.

In Trump’s case, a war would almost certainly impact positively on his ratings. He cannot get much lower than he is right now…and his base is committed to him to the point that if he were to shoot someone to death on Fifth Avenue, none would desert him. Almost no downside. And although the up-side is minimal at best…a guy like Trump is shallow enough to go for it…to get what little he can out of it.

For both George HW Bush and George W. Bush…a war was a positive in the popularity ratings. Both jumped between 15 and 20 percent when they started their wars.

Is popularity important to the narcissist?

Hell, yeah!

Is he ramping up the rhetoric in the direction of war?

Hell, yeah!

Any go-to patsies around?

A big one in North Korea.

So…what do you think?

Will he?

He already has, in case you hadn't noticed leftist loons, such as you, are on the ropes. It's rope-a-dope.
Donny will do ANYTHING to take the HEAT off of him ... because no one matters but him.

He don't care about the troops, he just cares about applauses
It makes sense to Trump watchers. Trump only cares about himself. He will burn the country down if it keeps him out of jail.
The DOW is down over 1000 points.

The economy is what is keeping this guy in office.

Gotta hope this is just a short term correct. If the market goes south, my bet the biggest loser will be Kim Jung Un...and the people of North Korea.
It isn't just "lib'ruls". If he doesn't patch things up with federal law enforcement and the intel agencies, pretty soon he could be at war with them. It could do a lot of damage, and I don't think it would be a good idea from his p.o.v.

not at all......the ones he's mad at are all being fired........since they're all idiots, what harm could it do.......
not at all......the ones he's mad at are all being fired........since they're all idiots, what harm could it do.......

You mean he's not mad at Wray for urging him to block the Nunes memo, and publicly expressing "grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy"?

That's uncharacteristically broadminded of him.
You mean he's not mad at Wray for urging him to block the Nunes memo, and publicly expressing "grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy"?

That's uncharacteristically broadminded of him.

Wray was doing what an FBI director is expected to do......speaking out to defend the agency.......did Wray speak out in defense of McCabe?.......
Yes when mueller talks to trump and trump see he's in trouble there will be a instant war
because it's been proved that when we are at war everyone gives the president a pass until it's over
Of course he will. That's been the tactic of many former American presidents. Start a war, foster hyper-nationalism in the masses, and watch your ratings go through the roof. Bonus points if you say America is following God's will by entering the war.
Of course he will. That's been the tactic of many former American presidents. Start a war, foster hyper-nationalism in the masses, and watch your ratings go through the roof. Bonus points if you say America is following God's will by entering the war.

Yup...'fraid you are right.

Let's hope someone stops him if he tries.
will he bomb an aspirin factory to take pressure of the Russian investigation?

We call it pulling a Clinton