It looks like China will coddle and protect North Korea, forcing Trump to start a just war.

China does not want a war. North Koreans would flood over the borders to China, and they don't need that shit. It would be a real problem for them. They do not want Trump to launch or to attack.
It isn't just "lib'ruls". If he doesn't patch things up with federal law enforcement and the intel agencies, pretty soon he could be at war with them. It could do a lot of damage, and I don't think it would be a good idea from his p.o.v.

Are you admitting that these agencies are weaponized by lib'ruls?
It isn't just "lib'ruls". If he doesn't patch things up with federal law enforcement and the intel agencies, pretty soon he could be at war with them. It could do a lot of damage, and I don't think it would be a good idea from his p.o.v.

Of course you're opposed to exposing the entrenched bureacratic deepstate ongoing coup attempt, you are a supporter of the overthrow of a free and fair democratic election.