Yahoo News
AP: "The former mayor is a moderate who supports gun control, same-sex civil unions, embryonic stem-cell research and abortion rights — stands that would put him at odds with the majority of the GOP conservative base."
Don't forget the disgusting thing he did while Mayor of NYC. I really don't care if a politician cheated on their spouse. It's a personal failing, and I wouldn't choose them as a mate, but it's not a concern of mine politically.
However, when a man moves his freaking mistress into the home of his wife AND CHILDREN...that's gonna turn off a lot of women. And his current wife has no class. She paraded around in front of cameras, and I mean paraded ok? with her big engagement ring on, while the man was still married. He had children. That's just low. I don't see them as the first couple, and I think if that gets a lot of play, and if he runs for President it will, it's going to turn off a lot of Suburban women.
I mean, the kind of women who really don't care too much about black males being shot to death by police officers. This will matter to them though, I think.