Will I ever be able to escape the name 'grind?'

Will Grind always be Grind?

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must be tough being a balding ginger. It's like, do I want my ginger fro? Or do I want to be bald? Tough choices.
I did look at the fatass. I just came here from looking at your band pictures. Fat and red headed is no way to go through life Skidmark. Shave your head and go on a diet!

You can never trust an ginger.
They're nothing but liars and cheats and should be locked away from normal society.
Plus, they suck at playing in any band.
You know, Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead were both written while Ayn Rand was high as shit on speed. They're two of the longest novels ever commercially published, actually. John Galt has a 90 page speech.