Will Smith / Chris Rock


1960s Chick Magnet
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.
I think it was real.

phantasmal deleted the thread.

It was an example of a beta cuck lashing out to prove his manliness to his sadistic abusive oneitis queen.

toxic masculinity comes from abused betas.

see dutch uncle violence signalling with snuff films in his signature.
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

I dont know if it was fake or not, and I really do not care anything about the Academy or its awards, other than a friend won one...

BUT... have you never heard of 7 second delay?
It was a goof. I merged threads and one of the originators asked for theirs to be deleted, so volsrock’s thread was deleted as well. My apologies to volsrock.
I think it was real.

phantasmal deleted the thread.

It was an example of a beta cuck lashing out to prove his manliness to his sadistic abusive oneitis queen.

toxic masculinity comes from abused betas.

see dutch uncle violence signalling with snuff films in his signature.
Dutch requested his thread be deleted, I merged the thread with volsrock’s and as a result both were deleted in error. It was a mistake and I have apologized to volsrock.
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

"Penetration, no matter how slight, constitutes the act".

Do you think a man kissing a woman without her permission is acceptable? What about gently poking your finger into the chest of a police officer? Okay?

The fact remains Smith assualted Rock over a GI Jane joke. A joke Smith himself laughed about until he caught Jada's look. Want to guess who wears the pants in that family? LOL

Now Smith will face the punishment and nothing will happen to Jada because that's how our laws work: words and looks are okay but physical assaults are not.
Oh i see.

he saw me hijack the fuck out of his thread, turn it back on him, and prove my point about abused desperate betas lashing out with a feminized toxic version of violent masculinity..

I really do not care anything about the Academy or its awards, other than a friend won one...

What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

FYI, "live" tv is not really live. there is always a delay that allows the producers to take action on the unexpected.

No real comment on the event itself as I simply dont care.
Hollywood is all about the DRAMA isn't it?

Ladies and Gentlemen, for this years Academy AWARD for the best DRAMA-QUEENING and ATTENTION WHORING in public is a tie- and the awards go to Chris Rock and Will Smith- and the best runner up is Jada Pinkett Smith!

I think both actors Rock and Smith have been here before, where Rock made Smith's wife the brunt end of his satirical humor before on stage, and this time Will lost it and pulled a John Wayne.

In defense of Rock, I didn't think the joke was all that insulting. But it was also unnecessary, not even that funny, and seemed like a closed joke between two friends who have a feud brewing between them already.

In defense of Smith, he felt obligated to defend the privacy and respect for his wife, who Rock used for the benefit of a Cheap Shot and a Cheap Joke!

I think the actions of both men will end up damaging both their careers. Chris Rock will probably not be invited back to MC award shows, and Will Smith may not ever get the roles he may want now and it could be his last award nomination.

So, I hope they are happy now! This was self-inflicted wounds by two people that apparently cannot control their behaviors! One with too big a mouth, and the other with too big an ego!
Last edited:
More importantly…
Was there a feed of Zelenskyy?
If not, did Sean Penn smelt his Oscars?
Inquiring minds want to know.
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

It's called a DELAY, Einstein.

What you see "live" happened 5 or 10 seconds earlier just to handle events like that.

I thought everyone knew that, but I guess not.
Hollywood is all about the DRAMA isn't it?

Ladies and Gentlemen, for this years Academy AWARD for the best DRAMA-QUEENING and ATTENTION WHORING in public is a tie- and the awards go to Chris Rock and Will Smith- and the best runner up is Jada Pinkett Smith!

I think both actors Rock and Smith have been here before, where Rock made Smith's wife the brunt end of his satirical humor before on stage, and this time Will lost it and pulled a John Wayne.

In defense of Rock, I didn't think the joke was all that insulting. But it was also unnecessary, not even that funny, and seemed like a closed joke between two friends who have a feud brewing between them already.

In defense of Smith, he felt obligated to defend the privacy and respect for his wife, who Rock used for the benefit of a Cheap Shot and a Cheap Joke!

I think the actions of both men will end up damaging both their careers. Chris Rock will probably not be invited back to MC award shows, and Will Smith may not ever get the roles he may want now and it could be his last award nomination.

So, I hope they are happy now! This was self-inflicted wounds by two people that apparently cannot control their behaviors! One with too big a mouth, and the other with too big an ego!

I hope it ends Smith's career.

I'm sick of that fucker.

Rock I have no problem with.

But it won't affect either of them.

Because they are black, the media and woke society will continue to worship them like precious gods.
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

yes it was a movie hit, Rocky hit Drago in the same fashion