Will Smith / Chris Rock

I hope it ends Smith's career.

I'm sick of that fucker.

Rock I have no problem with.

But it won't affect either of them.

Because they are black, the media and woke society will continue to worship them like precious gods.

What did Smith ever do to you personally, for you to dislike him?
I wish Will Smith would try to slap me. I'll introduce him to "why you don't fuck with this cracker".

He gets dumped on his neck to start with. After I slip his attempted punch.

Hell I challenge him to a 12-16-oz glove match. Fuck that motherfucker. I'll beat his ass!

I've slipped 9 punches in a row.

I was laughing at the kid, and then his big Italian buddy sucker punched me in my jaw from behind.

It was all fun n games until that happened., then I had to kick that motherfucker in his face.

Somehow I ended up with them playing whack-a-mole with my face at 45 mph down the road. I was glad to kick off from that wild ride with $1100 spinning out of my pocket.

I got a good punch in on the Italian dude, but it was costly.

Police are worthless.
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What did Smith ever do to you personally, for you to dislike him?

Obviously nothing, but someone doesn't have to "do anything" to me for me to dislike them.

Especially if that person is a celebrity and I have to see them everywhere I look.

Like a lot of celebrities, white ones included, I'm just tired of seeing him and hearing about him.

I wish the California State Attorney would file a Simple Assault charge against him.

Make him do community service and take an anger management class. :laugh:
I challenge Will Smith to a boxing glove match!

Lets see if you can hit me, boy!

12-16-oz gloves, unless you'd like different. Fine by me.
Can’t believe nobody is concerned with Sean Penn smelting his Oscars.
I understand he’ll be meeting with Hugo Chavez to negotiate oil prices now that we’re dependent on Venezuela to meet our energy needs.
What happened to that thread?
I watched the YouTube clip again.

I can't believe that I bought it at first, but it was an obvious "work" which I would have noticed if I had seen it live on TV.
The network knew when to bleep the F bombs ahead of time.

Also, if Will Smith actually slapped Chris Rock seriously, even a slap would have knocked Chris Rock down.
He certainly wouldn't be still grinning.

How did I not see that immediately?

The OP must have figured it out too, and deleted the thread.

They have a 5 sec delay!
"Penetration, no matter how slight, constitutes the act".

Do you think a man kissing a woman without her permission is acceptable? What about gently poking your finger into the chest of a police officer? Okay?

The fact remains Smith assualted Rock over a GI Jane joke. A joke Smith himself laughed about until he caught Jada's look. Want to guess who wears the pants in that family? LOL

Now Smith will face the punishment and nothing will happen to Jada because that's how our laws work: words and looks are okay but physical assaults are not.

Chris Rock wouldn't press charges.
I'm not a lawyer and not so sure. I see "community service" in Willie's future.

I see that Will Smith would have slapped Don Rickles, Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, Gene Wilder, Chris Farley, Ben Stiller, Jerry Seinfeld, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra...thin-skinned lizard he is.