Will the shark be electrocuted??

A Boat, a Battery and a Stable Genius​

Okay, two psychopaths enter a bar... I don't get the joke.
More robust, better economy and recovery than any other nation on the planet.

Try dealing with that, Matt.

If that fat-assed Trump did it, you guys would all be praising him to the heavens.

False. You do not understand the CPI so you should just not talk about it. Leave it to smarter people. Inflation under Biden is nowhere near late 1970s inflation. It isn’t even close.

Deflation is disastrous for the economy. Again, something you can’t possibly understand given your limited intelligence.

Again, no matter how many times you repeat that lie, it will still not be true. The problem, as it is with most issues, is that you do not understand what inflation is and how it is measured. So you keep saying stupid things that are not true.

Here is a link to the historical CPI.

If you need help figuring out whether one number is larger than another, or who was President in a given year, just let me know. I'll try to help. Maybe even draw you a picture.

IIt is objectively way lower than it was under Carter. Not even close. Interest rates were at 13%. You should not do anything but troll. You are an intellectual featherweight.

Ironically you respond on the very day that prices showed a DROP from the previous month. I guess you don’t know how to read a graph. They have night classes for people like you who only made it to grade six.

$100 in Jan 2020 is equal to $121.79 in June 2024.

That's 20% inflation in 4 years, dipshit.

Interest rates on mortgages, not across the board inflation on everything, you pinheaded fucktard!

Oh! Up by 21% but down by .2%

Fuck you!

All interest rates were that high dipshit. Not just mortgages. The rate in a ten year treasury was well over 10%. You don’t have a fucking clue.
Random point. Sharks have electro-sensory organs. They sense electromagnetic energy. A battery touching water would scare them away. It is like a very bright light, or a loud sound to us. It overwhelms their senses, and they run away. There have been stories of cell phones scaring them away.

I know I am giving the insane rantings of trump too much thought, but he is wrong in every possible way.

Gasoline engines all have to have batteries, so can electrocute you anyway. Batteries are heavy, so will quickly sink away from you, while gasoline will float, and burn you on the surface. I could go on and on.