Will this shit never end?

It was a fucking McDonald's wrapper.

The rear floorboards of the Presidential limo are probably a foot deep in trash.

Napkins, empty soda cans, gnawed chicken bones, uneaten French fries.

God knows what.

Trump is a slob.
May Miss Manners and Charis forgive me but I laughed my ass off at that. The perfect video depiction of our trailer trash dumbass POS "president"!
Notice how they play lee greenwood song at his rally's

Greenwood another military avoiding southern white POS coward during the Vietnam war who sticks a flag up his white trash ass while licking a cross, just like commander born spurs
Poor libbies

Well if this makes you feel like you won something today

Say it with me Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh


Kavanaugh is going to be a major disappointment to the rabid, goofball right.

Can't wait until he upholds Roe v. Wade just to watch the r/w fundie Bible thumpers piss their diapers.
Kavanaugh is going to be a major disappointment to the rabid, goofball right.

Can't wait until he upholds Roe v. Wade just to watch the r/w fundie Bible thumpers piss their diapers.

But the majority of those who are saying that it's going to be "overturned", are liberals.

Why is that??
He is so fucking awesome. He made the Republicans say fuck the screaming bullies and grow a spine. Greatest President ever in my lifetime.
I can’t believe how stupid you are. I can’t believe why you think that the likes of Schumer is telling the truth.
Do you really believe 5 justices will overturn Roe vs Wade.
None of them will.

Do you really believe Congress is looking out for you or the good of the country.
It is an US versus THEM mentality. Republicans versus democrats.
The politicians are their to grow their wealth and power.

Good thing you weren’t with Jim Jones, you would be dead.
What a fucking embarrassment!

Sure...when the left wins an election and stops bleeding political power because of pompous assholes declaring they are better than the deplorable working stiffs. ;) Insulting, crying, whining, lying, violent emotionalism seems to be a good plan so far....continue....I bet you win the next election:good4u:
Kavanaugh is going to be a major disappointment to the rabid, goofball right.

Can't wait until he upholds Roe v. Wade just to watch the r/w fundie Bible thumpers piss their diapers.

Folks if ever you were looking for an example of cognitive dissonance at its purest, this is it.

Wait so for months you fuckers have been frothing at the mouth claiming Kavanaugh had to be stopped because he was going to single handedly overturn Roe?

Now you are saying it is I who is going to be disappointed?


I remember you douchebags saying that about Trump after you got your asses handed to you.

He is so fucking awesome. He made the Republicans say fuck the screaming bullies and grow a spine. Greatest President ever in my lifetime.

I agree.

Sometimes there is just the right person for the right time


And one day they will be saying Trump. I said a long time ago he would be the most consequential President in a generation and so far I am right.

Liberal tears are proof
Kavanaugh is going to be a major disappointment to the rabid, goofball right.

Can't wait until he upholds Roe v. Wade just to watch the r/w fundie Bible thumpers piss their diapers.

What are you posting about ???

Only psycho Leftist have been pissing their diapers over Kavanaugh overturning Roe v. Wade.

The rest of us normal thinking folks have a better understanding of Supreme Court case rulings.