Will this shit never end?

Folks if ever you were looking for an example of cognitive dissonance at its purest, this is it.

Wait so for months you fuckers have been frothing at the mouth claiming Kavanaugh had to be stopped because he was going to single handedly overturn Roe?

Now you are saying it is I who is going to be disappointed?


I remember you douchebags saying that about Trump after you got your asses handed to you.


Show me where I ever said Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v Wade, single handedly or otherwise, you lying piece of trash.
I agree.

Sometimes there is just the right person for the right time


And one day they will be saying Trump. I said a long time ago he would be the most consequential President in a generation and so far I am right.

Liberal tears are proof

I see you're as tedious and useless as everyone said in the debate.
Sure...when the left wins an election and stops bleeding political power because of pompous assholes declaring they are better than the deplorable working stiffs. ;) Insulting, crying, whining, lying, violent emotionalism seems to be a good plan so far....continue....I bet you win the next election:good4u:

Because they lack the intelligence to understand our system of government.

In other words ...... their Leftist.

An asshole so ignorant he does not know the difference between "their" and "they're"...

...talking about others lacking intelligence.

Ya cannot make this shit up!
You, debate?


I was speaking of the doings of your political representatives with regard to Kavanaugh, so you are perhaps right, though how you would know anything about debate puzzles me. I didn't think that you model, Attila, went in for that any more than can you or Red Cow.
Another grammar Nazi...

Simply pointing out that someone who cannot even differentiate between "their" and "they're"...shouldn't be calling other people ignorant.

Unless he is talking to you, of course That I could understand.
I know right ....

Nothing screams more "I'm an ignorant dumbass and I have to be a grammar NAZI because I can't discuss the topic" than these idiots ....

Leftist .....

Go Figure !!

Still calling other people "idiots"...and still with the grammar skills of a 5th grader!
I was speaking of the doings of your political representatives with regard to Kavanaugh, so you are perhaps right, though how you would know anything about debate puzzles me. I didn't think that you model, Attila, went in for that any more than can you or Red Cow.
