I mean,...can you imagine. Libtards everywhere HOWLED LIKE MANIACS for three months straight about how Horrific Trump and the R's were when Trump said he was sick and tired of always importing people from Shit hole countries. They said that we were all ignorant and racist for even thinking such a thing......even though we all KNOW its TRUE. Let's be honest here,.....hundreds of thousands of not millions of people don't try to run across a desert fleeing a NON shit hole/HELL HOLE country do they now? No,..they sure don't. But they do run away from a shit hole that's for darned sure. You see, that is the main problem with the left,...they just cant be honest about much of anything. Well,.......guess what ?,....most of the rest of the world is sick to death of your lying asses. NO MORE. We now DEMAND honesty from you and in fact are fully willing to jam your own lies right back up your own asses. You will BE MADE to tell the truth,...or be left in the dust. Don't care which but you get NO OTHER OPTION now,...you are plumb out of them.