Windows 8 is considerably more complicated because you have two versions of IE, one for the Legacy Desktop and one for the Metro Start screen.
ZOMG?! TWO options?! That is the most complicated thing imaginable! How will I ever choose which one will take me to the firefox download screen?
am I missing something regarding why market share of browsers even matters? It's not like there are advertisements, I don't pay for the software, etc
I'm really starting to think windows users are the most self loathing os users. I think they are still shell shocked from liking 7, so now they are going full throttle at hating 8. lolll.
OSX - consistently good for a decade.
damo I think you went off unto like 3 tangents up there
I'm really starting to think windows users are the most self loathing os users. I think they are still shell shocked from liking 7, so now they are going full throttle at hating 8. lolll.
OSX - consistently good for a decade.
On April 2 Mozilla announced prototype testing with the Windows 8 "Metro". Mozilla hopes to bring Windows 8 support in Firefox 14. Firefox on Metro, like all other Metro apps, will be full screen, focused on touch interactions, and connected to the rest of the Metro environment. Firefox will have to support three "snap" states—full screen, ~1/6th screen and ~5/6th screen depending on how the user "docks" two full screen apps. Version 14 has a planned release date of July 7, 2012 - this means Firefox 14 "Metro" will very likely be ready for when Windows 8 goes on sale.[SUP][104][/SUP]
I'm really starting to think windows users are the most self loathing os users. I think they are still shell shocked from liking 7, so now they are going full throttle at hating 8. lolll.
OSX - consistently good for a decade.
ME was beyond standard complaints of "bad." I had ME, it was buggy as shit. Really really really bad. I went back to 2000 as soon as I could.
Same here. I bought the ME upgrade because it was "only" $50. Worst $50 ever spent.