windows vista

Umm not using it. It was on a laptop I bought, but I had to blow it away and install XP as it would not work with some of my job required security programs.

I will put it back on there after I retire in a week.
Umm not using it. It was on a laptop I bought, but I had to blow it away and install XP as it would not work with some of my job required security programs.

I will put it back on there after I retire in a week.

right on.... retirement... lucky guy... i wish i could retire, i got a few years to go yet

i think vista is great.. only had a few issues with a few older app we still use, nothing that wasnt an easy fix, although one of em was time consuming though. but i think microsoft did a good job with this os release. wasnt nearly as rough a xp.
thanks for the input Bob, I will be putting it back on there in a week or so. It looked pretty good, what little I played with it so far.

I had not done much travelling for a while, this wireless net access in the motels is cool. Just sit by the pool and net away....

right on.... retirement... lucky guy... i wish i could retire, i got a few years to go yet

i think vista is great.. only had a few issues with a few older app we still use, nothing that wasnt an easy fix, although one of em was time consuming though. but i think microsoft did a good job with this os release. wasnt nearly as rough a xp.

Retirement is way cool...ya can do what ya want when ya want...the only down side is keeping up with all the new toys on a fixed income...therefore I am stuck with Windows 98 albeit I do have xp set aside if'n the need arises like a total far so good...I have a complete 'system restore'CD when the W-98 starts acting up...way cheaper and easier than buying and upgrading all the new security software!
We have Vista on our new desktop at home. It seems to have accepted and even updated the little software (e.g. printer driver, new non-Vista scanner) that we have left after the burglary.

It seems pretty easy to navigate, too, though I had to get used to the differences in file organization; like that for the most part but I do prefer to have more control than Vista seems to want to let me have.

So far the security seems pretty good, too. A tentative two thumbs up.
From all the negative press I've been hearing, I expected my new Vista laptop to blow up as soon as I opened. Vista's working perfectly, it looks a hell of a lot better than XP, and it's easier to use. The only real problem I see with it is UAC; you can't run practically anything unless you right click on it and click "run as administrator". Also, some programs that need to edit certain files won't work unless you do this. It was easy for a person like me to find the answer to the problem, but I'm sure a computer Newb would just give up and install Vista.

BTW, US, that was probably the answer to your problem.
You can turn off UAC, but your computer is a lot less safe. It would basically be the same as XP on security in that case. I'd rather just check off "run as adminstrator". But Microsoft needs to cool UAC down.
Also, you need a LOOOOOTTT of RAM. 2 gigabytes. My PC has it, but I hear only like 2% of PC's in the US have that much. You can run it on 1GB. I just wouldn't recommend it.

The only thing I hate about my computer is the 3D accelerator. It's a fucking integrated chipset. You wouldn't believe how long it takes to get games working on this chipset at decent speeds. And then they look like shit at the end of it all.
I assume you bought the laptop with Vista installed? Have you tried it with your printer yet?

I have no need for a printer. Whenever I feel I need one I'll just put my files on a jumpdrive and copy it into the living room computer; don't feel like scowering the internet for the drivers, even if I did have an XP laptop.
I usually use my little memory stick. It works fine. But all my printers didn't need "scouring". You will be annoyed by all the updates.
Dual-core processor, 2 gigabytes of RAM, and a an Intel 945G integrated 3D accelerator. What moron puts things together like this? My dad bought it for my graduation... I just feel like it would be rude to sell it and then pay an extra 100 or 200 or so for a computer with a decent 3D accelerator.
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I usually use my little memory stick. It works fine. But all my printers didn't need "scouring". You will be annoyed by all the updates.

I don't even know if they have Vista drivers for the printer. Actually, I'm not even sure if I re-installed the printer drivers after I last reformatted the hardrive on the living room computer. We don't use the printer much, LOL ;)
Now that I think about it, my dad probably bought it like that because it was a graduation present.

Oh well. Never finished Baldur's Gate II anyway...
Yup. I did that in another thread. It will get me mre into the habit of reading the name rather than the avatar...
I've used my Epson Stylus Photo 1280 printer (this model has been discontinued) with the new computer, with no additional software and without a hitch. I first contacted Epson for advice, and they replied that the system probably would do everything necessary, "...but in case it doesn't, here are the steps to take ... ". I just bought a new USB2 cable and hooked it up. Everything's gone well, no problems.