so weak to bag on short hand internet type....and next time you bag on someone's english.....make sure your words are spelled correctly...LOL
Shut up douche.
so weak to bag on short hand internet type....and next time you bag on someone's english.....make sure your words are spelled correctly...LOL
If you are like the Koch brothers your days are definitely numbered.
You're so mean!!!
Do the Koch brothers want to get rid of the 16th amendment, EPA, Department of Education, war on drugs, the Federal Reserve, turds like you who won't work for a livings welfare check, ATF, DEA, for a start.
If so, I love them.
If not, screw them.
I have never even collected unemployment never mind welfare or any other handout. I am against the FED, against the war on drugs, against the 16th amendment, but a fan of the EPA. Only a moron would trust companies to not pollute. Are you a moron?
Why argue with a rock?
Un Huh...and it's only a coincidence that she's been involved in partisan situations like this before. I think I'll wait till I read the report by the Federal Investigation before I draw any conclusions.