Wish I'd have said that!

Dude you forget where I grew up. I knew lots of Jews and many had relatives in Israel. None of them could be considered brown skinned.

so because you know a few jews that are not olive skinned, non are....:palm:

2000 years ago, most jews were of abraham descent and were "brothers" of the arabs. they shared the same genetics, jews where not white 2000 years ago. i don't know where you get your information, but it is clearly erroneous. the majority of the area was compromised of brown/olive skinned people....jews back then rarely, if ever, came from the northern european tribes...
so because you know a few jews that are not olive skinned, non are....:palm:

2000 years ago, most jews were of abraham descent and were "brothers" of the arabs. they shared the same genetics, jews where not white 2000 years ago. i don't know where you get your information, but it is clearly erroneous. the majority of the area was compromised of brown/olive skinned people....jews back then rarely, if ever, came from the northern european tribes...

Again, olive is not brown. :palm:

its not white DY...olive skin is a shade of brown, are you going to be nitpicky and break down the shades of brown and claim its not? eve mendes is olive skin, and the shade ain't white, its brown....

Or, olive is a shade of white. You need to put it in the perspective of the person who made the original post that I commented on, a guy who sees African dark brown verses Caucasian lily white in everything.
You can claim all you want, it doesn't make it so except in your fevered imagination. Anyway why don't you contact some of these people on Facebook and ask them what colour they are?


Like this one?


You've made my case for me, dumbass. :)
Well that's another damned dumb thing you've said. Ever met a Sephardic Jew? Jesus sure as hell wasn't an Askenazi Jew.

:palm: One of the reasons why I have that Damned Fool Yankee on IA...evidently DY never read the Bible's description of old JC.

I kind of knew this saying was red meat to the neocon numbskulls....but I couldn't resist. :)
Originally Posted by Mott the Hoople
Well that's another damned dumb thing you've said. Ever met a Sephardic Jew? Jesus sure as hell wasn't an Askenazi Jew.
He is as dumb and ill informed on Jews as on most things. Paula Abdul is a Mizrahi Jew, you would hardly call her white.


Oh boy, NOW you've gone and done it! Yurt and DY will just go bat shit crazy now! Thank God I have them on IA.
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Southern Klan is right. Anyone who grew up in some blue blooded northeastern town where all the Jews are white knows that middle eastern jews 2000 years ago all looked like Larry David. And if you don't believe that, just look at a picture of some white jews living in Israel today.

Point, set, match.

Good work southern tard. Good work.
Southern Klan is right. Anyone who grew up in some blue blooded northeastern town where all the Jews are white knows that middle eastern jews 2000 years ago all looked like Larry David. And if you don't believe that, just look at a picture of some white jews living in Israel today.

Point, set, match.

Good work southern tard. Good work.

I never said they were white Beffy, just not brown as Libby insists. Nice straw man though.
I never said they were white Beffy, just not brown as Libby insists. Nice straw man though.

Many middle eastern Jews 2000 years ago were brown numbnut. What is it with you southern backwater rednecks that makes you cling to the most idiotic, retarded crap no matter what? Jesus. You ought to write a book on how to survive into your 50's while weighing less than 10 gallons of water and having never once in your life been right about anything.
DY...many jews are olive skinned, especially 2 thousand years ago before the mass diaspora to european countries and being virtually wiped out in the ME by muslims

Yeah, Christians were so good to Jews. What with the mass expulsions on penalty of death from several entire countries, blood libel (responsible for the mass killing of Jews in several cities and towns, such as London), and dealing with pogroms every few years.

To my knowledge, conditions were way better for Jews in the Muslim world than in the Christian one.
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Here's some pics of IDF women. Most of these gals are white, some olive skin. The only two that I would consider brown, 13th from the top, have obvious African features.


Probably a beta Israel Jew from Ethiopia.

Brown doesn't necessarily mean black. Most Israeli's are askensai Jews, who spent thousands of years and europe. They're going to be pretty white. Even Sephardic Jews are whiter than they used to be. Most Jews in Israel are white primarily because of mass migration of Ashkensai Jews.
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The gal is obviously mixed African. *shrug*

I found the pic on the page you linked......clicking on the story it says she's Caribbean with Sephardic ancestors who fled the Spanish Inquisition by going to the New World.....at least, according to Rabbi Fernandez.....

the reality is this....since the eastern shore of the Mediterranean was the meeting place of Asia, Africa, and Europe, the natives are probably one of the most genetically mixed of all the peoples of the world.....ethnic diversity results from genetic isolation, not constant comingling......
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