With Automatic Voter Registration, Say Hello To Permanent Democrat Power

I can't tell if the OP is posting horseshit or dogshit. (Or is it plain bullshit?) If you want to talk about rigging elections in the real world, let's start with Republican gerrymandering. Without the ability to redraw maps, the GOP would have gone extinct and the US would be caught up with the rest of the developed world.

Let's start with Democrats committing election fraud for DECADES, until finally, in 2020, the election faulted as a result of it. 2022 elections faulted as well.
The problem with this map is that it doesn't prove your argument. If anything, it shows the folly of the US electoral system. The truth is that less than 25% of Americans voters identify as Republican and about 33% identify as Democrat. The remaining US voters identify as "Independent." Also, during the last few presidential elections, half of eligible US voters didn't even vote.

Here's a better map:

View attachment 25573

The top map shows how the US voted in 2020. The bottom map shows population distribution.

So you want to discard the Constitution. I already knew this. There was no election in 2020. You also failed to list the States that didn't vote.
Let's start with Democrats committing election fraud for DECADES, until finally, in 2020, the election faulted as a result of it. 2022 elections faulted as well.

I see why people ignore you. Perhaps I'm being too generous in entertaining you. My patience is running thin. Please stop with conspiracy theory bullshit or I'll simply block you.
I see why people ignore you.
Paradox. Irrational statement.
Perhaps I'm being too generous in entertaining you.
You think your stupidity is entertaining??
My patience is running thin.
I don't give a damn about your patience. Why should I? Did you know that patience has no viscosity?
Please stop with conspiracy theory bullshit or I'll simply block you.
I can't, since the Democrat party is a conspiracy. I do agree that the Democrats are mostly bullshit though.
Do you think running away is going to solve your life problems? You'll nowhere in the Kiddie Pool. Argument of the Stick fallacy.
Stawman fallacy. I never said this.
So you want to try to lie your way out of it. You deny the Constitution and figure you can get out of the corner you painted yourself into by claiming a 'strawman'. You seem to be infatuated with strawmen.
There was no election in 2020. Biden was never elected.
Strawman fallacy. I never claimed that any states didn't vote.
There's your favorite buzzword again! Were you a scarecrow in a past life?
I never said you made such a claim. That was your problem. I guess you still haven't learned enough English to read a post written in it.
So you want to try to lie your way out of it. You deny the Constitution and figure you can get out of the corner you painted yourself into by claiming a 'strawman'. You seem to be infatuated with strawmen.

There was no election in 2020. Biden was never elected.

There's your favorite buzzword again! Were you a scarecrow in a past life?
I never said you made such a claim. That was your problem. I guess you still haven't learned enough English to read a post written in it.

This is tedious. Let's cut to the chase:

1. Global warming is real.

2. Evolution is real.

3. Scientific consensus is a thing.

4. The earth isn't flat.

5. Trump lost the 2020 election.

6. There is no god and your life is wasted on religion.

7. I'm taking the advice of others who've repeatedly PMed me to ignore you. In a moment, I'll have you on my ignore list, so don't waste the effort responding.
The problem with this map is that it doesn't prove your argument. If anything, it shows the folly of the US electoral system. The truth is that less than 25% of Americans voters identify as Republican and about 33% identify as Democrat. The remaining US voters identify as "Independent." Also, during the last few presidential elections, half of eligible US voters didn't even vote.

Here's a better map:

View attachment 25573

The top map shows how the US voted in 2020. The bottom map shows population distribution.

The real folly is you are focused solely on the Presidential election, and for obvious, if unstated, reasons. You want to concentrate power such that it is permanently handed to a president that thinks and acts politically as you would. That is, a permanent dictator.
This is tedious. Let's cut to the chase:

1. Global warming is real.

Yep, the climate changes. Man has a miniscule effect on it, and Gorebal Warming is bullshit.

2. Evolution is real.

As is devolution as proven by the existence of a political Left.

3. Scientific consensus is a thing.

Unfortunately, history shows it's almost always wrong.

4. The earth isn't flat.

You finally got one that's true!

5. Trump lost the 2020 election.

Can't let that go can you...

6. There is no god and your life is wasted on religion.

Prove it.
What is wrong with getting more eligible Americans voting? And yes, if every American that was eligible to vote, voted, we would never again have a republican president. And how the hell does getting more people to vote "make us a communist country"?

Depend how it is done. Democrats want to do it in a way they can cheat and rig the elections
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ve been hearing the right bitch about rigged elections for years, but to date, they have never offered proof of one election where rigging or voting fraud changed the outcome of the election, not one

All just a prelude in case their Messiah takes another bath in 2024, we’ll hear again, “he didn’t lose, the election was rigged”

Same old, same old

I don't see many people on "the right" always scheming up ways to cheat elections, brah. I do see Democrats do it all the time and overtime.

You know, like the Interstate Popular Vote Compact, which is patently UnConstitutional? Anyone that signed onto that should be removed from office for violating their oath

to uphold the Constitution. Democrats started that in 2017, and it disenfranchises the voters of their own states.

That's not Democracy, brah. That's Borg/Hive mind bullshit.
This is tedious. Let's cut to the chase:
Argument by repetition fallacy (chanting).
1. Global warming is real.
Not possible. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth.
2. Evolution is real.
The Theory of Evolution is a religion.
3. Scientific consensus is a thing.
No such thing. There is no voting bloc in science.
4. The earth isn't flat.
5. Trump lost the 2020 election.
There was no 2020 election.
6. There is no god and your life is wasted on religion.
I say there is and your life is wasted on trying to prove otherwise. There. My religion beats yours. :rolleyes:
7. I'm taking the advice of others who've repeatedly PMed me to ignore you. In a moment, I'll have you on my ignore list, so don't waste the effort responding.

Putting yourself in the Kiddie Pool accomplishes nothing. Enjoy yourself with the other nothings.
Yep, the climate changes. Man has a miniscule effect on it, and Gorebal Warming is bullshit.

As is devolution as proven by the existence of a political Left.

Unfortunately, history shows it's almost always wrong.

You finally got one that's true!

Can't let that go can you...

Prove it.

Which god do you want disproven? There are so many across the globe.
Lies are not the truth.

You can't make the evidence just disappear, Anchovies. You can't make people's judgement of that evidence just disappear either.

Let me repeat myself for those having difficulty processing, the right have never offered proof of one election where rigging or voting fraud changed the outcome of the election, not one, ever, so “pidgin” returns with “you can’t make the evidence just appear,” ah, one more time, there is no evidence, none, zippo, zero, etc., even your Messiah’s fixer proclaimed such
Yep, the climate changes. Man has a miniscule effect on it, and Gorebal Warming is bullshit.
Climate cannot change. There is no value associated with climate that can change. No gas or vapor can warm the Earth. The effect of them on increasing the temperature is ZERO.
As is devolution as proven by the existence of a political Left.
Quite right.
Unfortunately, history shows it's almost always wrong.
'Scientific consensus' doesn't exist. Science simply doesn't use consensus. There is no 'right' or 'wrong'.
You finally got one that's true!
Heh. I suppose accidentally. It's the old 'you are a flat Earth believer' BS again.
Can't let that go can you...
No, he can't. He is compelled to try to justify Biden having been elected. He simply denies history. Biden was installed, not elected.
Prove it.
He can't, obviously. It is not possible to prove whether any god or gods exist or not. He is obviously from the Church of No God, a fundamentalist style religion.

Then he went off to pout in the Kiddie Pool, as if that's going to make any difference.

He's a nothing.