With So Many Attacks Against Trump, This Is No Wonder

Stupid and on drugs. That is a perfect president to the right. They are totally conned and unabashed cultists.

There are only a few reasons why a person would consistently have widely dilated pupils in bright light: dementia, brain injury or drugs. Dementia remains a strong possibility, but since it's been over three years, I doubt it's a brain injury. Given both his history and his behavior, some sort of amphetamine drug abuse is most likely. Since Trump already has been rumored to like snorting crushed Adderall, dating back over 20 years, that's the most likely reason. As for Hillary, even most Democrats are glad she's gone. She's a bigger has-been than Obama since Obama was actually a President. Something Hillary will never be.

...and backed up by Trump's often-dilated eyes along with his manic behavior. What else explains why an obese, out-of-shape septuagenarian can ramble for two hours or more at his rallies? Trump's on something and Adderall is the best candidate for his drug of choice.

Adderall is by prescription. I doubt Trump sends Jarod or Eric down to 14th Street to buy drugs off a hooker. Of course he has a doctor write him a prescription just like Michael Jackson had a Dr. Feelgood to give him his legal meds. Additionally, because of doctor-client privilege, no doctor can legally reveal the prescription to the world. I'm sure once Trump leaves the WH that the truth will be revealed.

LOL. When he is at his most maniacal, such as his rallies, and rambling for two hours, that's not normal behavior for a 73 year old man. Look at Biden or Bernie. Bernie has the most energy, but notice how quickly he burns out. That's normal. Rambling and ranting for two hours is not normal.

I believe the people who witnessed his behavior. There is a lot of damning stuff from The Apprentice, but Burnett has refused to release the tapes. Those nondisclosure agreements keep the information locked down. Why do you think Trump doesn’t sue people making these claims?

It's all....
Of course you aren't. Not only is Trump our first Reality TV President, but he's also our first Conspiracy Theory President. An example was his claim in early 2016 that if he lost, the election was rigged, but if he won, it was okay.

Again, the probability of Trump giving himself a boost by snorting Adderall isn't hinged on a single video, a single picture of his eyes widely dilated in bright light or even a single instance of his behavior at a Trump rally. That would be as fucking stupid as trying to hinge Obama's entire Presidency on "57 states".

The probability of Trump using Adderall to give himself a boost is not only the summation of all of those things, but the repetition of those things; specifically the many different instances of widely dilated eyes and his all-to-common behavior exhibiting about half of the symptoms of Adderall abuse.

You missed his first conspiracy claim--the birther thing he said he had men looking into and had found some very interesting results. At least he later admitted Obama was born in the U. S. The conspiracy thing (deep state, media) is to set up blame for any problems he encounters. He even claimed the virus was a hoax until it became serious.

Something white possibly falling from his nose (in a possibly doctored video) does not lead anybody to think "Adderall" (which is blue or orange). That takes a big stretch from someone trying to prove a drug charge. If it is Adderall I don't think the appetite suppressants are working. Those dilated eye pictures are very poor quality.

If there was any real evidence we would see stories in major media sources rather than the marginal publications where it has appeared.

As mentioned previously, like whether or not Hillary had brain damage or an alcohol problem (which I think she does) this gets into Doctor-Patient privilege. Jarod isn't buying step-daddy drugs from hookers on 14th Street; a doctor prescribes them. Is there really any doubt a billionaire can buy a doctor with a prescription pad?

Unless Trump drops dead of a heart attack and the autopsy is revealed to the public, I doubt the public will learn if Trump abuses Adderall or any other drug until he's out of office. That's when numerous books will start appearing from those who worked closely with him. It's not rocket science to see wildly changing behaviors in a person such as they are tired and dragging then go alone into their office and come out as cheerful and bouncy as Bugs Bunny.

  • Donald Trump's eyes are oftentimes dilated
  • A physician thinks he knows why this is the case
  • Donald Trump was accused of taking drugs

“President Donald Trump’s pupils are intermittently and significantly dilated – from a medical standpoint, this is not normal. This intermittent pattern is not due to trauma, complications from surgery, or disease… Donald Trump’s intermittently dilated pupils are due to the side effects of drugs/medications,” he wrote.

Brown admitted that he has not personally met the POTUS, and has never conducted his physical examinations. But his observations are based on the photos of Trump that he has seen.

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There have also been ongoing rumors that Trump used Adderall in the past, and one of its active ingredients is amphetamines, which could cause eye dilations. Former employees on “The Apprentice” claimed to have seen Trump snorting the drug.
The probability of Trump using Adderall to give himself a boost is not only the summation of all of those things, but the repetition of those things; specifically the many different instances of widely dilated eyes and his all-to-common behavior exhibiting about half of the symptoms of Adderall abuse.

The sum and repetition of nothing is still nothing. Concluding a white speck falling in the picture is proof of drug use is an especially faulty conclusion.
The sum and repetition of nothing is still nothing. Concluding a white speck falling in the picture is proof of drug use is an especially faulty conclusion.

I'm content to agree to disagree. Time will tell.
As mentioned previously, like whether or not Hillary had brain damage or an alcohol problem (which I think she does) this gets into Doctor-Patient privilege. Jarod isn't buying step-daddy drugs from hookers on 14th Street; a doctor prescribes them. Is there really any doubt a billionaire can buy a doctor with a prescription pad?

Unless Trump drops dead of a heart attack and the autopsy is revealed to the public, I doubt the public will learn if Trump abuses Adderall or any other drug until he's out of office. That's when numerous books will start appearing from those who worked closely with him. It's not rocket science to see wildly changing behaviors in a person such as they are tired and dragging then go alone into their office and come out as cheerful and bouncy as Bugs Bunny.

  • Donald Trump's eyes are oftentimes dilated
  • A physician thinks he knows why this is the case
  • Donald Trump was accused of taking drugs

“President Donald Trump’s pupils are intermittently and significantly dilated – from a medical standpoint, this is not normal. This intermittent pattern is not due to trauma, complications from surgery, or disease… Donald Trump’s intermittently dilated pupils are due to the side effects of drugs/medications,” he wrote.

Brown admitted that he has not personally met the POTUS, and has never conducted his physical examinations. But his observations are based on the photos of Trump that he has seen.

China Factories Struggle As World Battles

There have also been ongoing rumors that Trump used Adderall in the past, and one of its active ingredients is amphetamines, which could cause eye dilations. Former employees on “The Apprentice” claimed to have seen Trump snorting the drug.


Tom Arnold is believable? And the other guy only made the claim in a comedy act.

We get to choose between a possible drug head and dementia head.
Your personal opinions don’t mean these people aren’t telling the truth. Sorry, by Trump actions, speech and his reported sleep habits, I believe them. I bet people couldn’t believe Limbaugh was a drug addict, either, but he was.

The guy who joked about Cosby in his comedy act resulted in Bill bring in prison.

Seems Arnold welcomes a lawsuit. Trump’s lawyers never followed up.

That was 2016. Where are those tapes Arnold talks about. Four years should be long enough for him to cough them up.

"Comedian Tom Arnold caused quite a stir earlier this week when he talked about tapes he purportedly has of Donald Trump making wildly offensive comments during his tenure as host of The Apprentice — and it seems he’s got Team Trump’s attention."