APP - Without candour, we can't trust climate science

It's interesting how scientists giving their opinion on studies isn't peer review when it is in a magazine that says something that is against their opinion....
Oh come on Damo, you know damned well that an op-ed piece is not the same as a peer reviewed publication.
Since Cypress continually ducks answering the following, perhaps you will do so for us????

1) WHO appointed the 'independent' panel members????

2) WHO are those members? (so we can look at THEIR credentials)

3) Do you believe that these panels addressed all of the questions that scientists skeptical of the global warming theory have asked?

4) Were there any admitted climate skeptics on the panels?

5) Were there any panel members who have proclaimed the 'debate is over' in the past?

What's to duck? These are just flat out stupid questions. First you attack the credibility of these climate scientist by making false accusations. When independent groups investigate these accusations and determine they are with out merit you attack their credibility. Now if someone was to investigate the investigators to determine their impartialness and determine that they were impartial will you attack their credbility to until you get the answer you want? LOL
What's to duck? These are just flat out stupid questions. First you attack the credibility of these climate scientist by making false accusations. When independent groups investigate these accusations and determine they are with out merit you attack their credibility. Now if someone was to investigate the investigators to determine their impartialness and determine that they were impartial will you attack their credbility to until you get the answer you want? LOL

LMAO.... this is my point... you and Cypress and the other fear mongers CONSTANTLY attack the credibility of those who disagree with the 'consensus'. How many times have we seen Cypress proclaim someone's opinion as ineligible due to 'they don't work in the specific field'??????

Yet you refuse to provide a LIST of the so called independent panelists because you are afraid that they may not work in the 'specific field'. I did not attack their credibility... my desire for the information is to determine if there is a bias on the panel.

But you, like Cypress, are scared to answer the questions because it may show a chink in your beloved fear mongering masters armor.

No.... all you have to do is provide us with a list of the members of the panel. It would be nice to see the people who chose the panel as well, but that is not entirely necessary. We understand you fear mongers like to hide data and avoid questions, so we don't want you to be too burdened.

Just provide us a list of the panel members. Let us see if they have a bias.

In the meantime, you just go right along ducking the other questions. We all know none of you fear mongering flat earth lemmings are capable of answering them, as your masters have yet to teach you how to do so.
Side note Mott....

you CLAIM they are independent.... THAT is the point.... post their names and credentials... or just their names and who they work for so we can look up their credentials.

That is all you need to do.

If you refuse to do so, as Cypress has consistently done, then you forfeit your right to question the credibility of anyone else with regards to this topic.
What's to duck? These are just flat out stupid questions.

First you attack the credibility of these climate scientist by making false accusations.

When independent groups investigate these accusations and determine they are with out merit you attack their credibility.

Now if someone was to investigate the investigators to determine their impartialness and determine that they were impartial will you attack their credbility to until you get the answer you want?


OMFG, sometimes the comedic value of occasionally revisiting one of these threads is off the hook!!!

Apparently, there's a worldwide conspiracy to cover up for a cabal of lying climate scientists, including the nefarious plotters from five investigations: two investigations at Penn State, two at EAU, and one in the British parliament. The 9/11 truthers, the climate gate clowns, and the evolution-deniers never fail to deliver comedy! Does it get any funnier than this?

TINFOIL: "You gotta wonder about people who still believe these liars!"


Yo, here's some reputable science and credible links:

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