WMDs confirmed in Syria


by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago.

Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none?

the experts were right huh
by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago. Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none? the experts were right huh

No link, "clickable" or otherwise, HUH?

Got an earwitness?
So if you were for the Iraq war because you thought Sadam actually had WMDs then you ave NO excuse not to be for this action.

The WMDs are confirmed
by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago.

Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none?

the experts were right huh

Can't you provide a link? Where is your evidence? Your proof? Cite.
From the very onset, King Abdullah of Jordan has contended the convoy of trucks from Iraq in Syria leading up to the invasion were transporting Iraq's WMDs.

But then again, he's just a neighboring ruler, so what could he possibly know?

King Abdullah: Al Qaeda WMDs Came From Syria
NewsMax.com ^ | 4/17/04 | Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Posted on Saturday, April 17, 2004 3:14:12 PM by kattracks

Jordan's King Abdullah revealed on Saturday that vehicles reportedly containing chemical weapons and poison gas that were part of a deadly al Qaeda bomb plot came from Syria, the country named by U.S. weapons inspector David Kay last year as a likely repository for Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

"It was a major, major operation. It would have decapitated the government," King Abdullah told the San Francisco Chronicle. Jordanian officials estimated that the death count could have been as high as 20,000 - seven times greater than the Sept. 11 attacks.

Abdullah said that trucks containing 17.5 tons of explosives had come from Syria, though he took pains not to implicate Syrian President Bashir Assad in the al Qaeda plot, saying, "I'm completely confident that Bashir did not know about it."

In his testimony before Congress last year, Mr. Kay said U.S. satellite surveillance showed substantial vehicular traffic going from Iraq to Syria just prior to the U.S.attack on March 19, 2003 attack.

While Kay said investigators couldn't be sure the cargo contained weapons of mass destruction, one of his top advisors described the evidence as "unquestionable."

"People below the Saddam-Hussein-and-his-sons level saw what was coming and decided the best thing to do was to destroy and disperse," said James Clapper, in comments reported by the New York Times on Oct. 29. Clapper heads up the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

Israeli intelligence has long believed that after the U.S. delayed invasion plans to allow U.N. weapons inspectors time to search for Iraq's WMDs, Saddam moved the banned weapons to Syria, the only other country where the Ba'ath Party ruled.

On April 1, Jordanian officials announced the arrest of several terrorist suspects, saying they were still hunting for two cars filled with explosives.

Five days later, the State Department revealed the attackers were linked to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian-based terrorist considered to be one of al Qaeda's most dangerous. One of Zarqawi's targets was the U.S. embassy in Amman.

By Saturday morning European news services were quoting an unnamed Jordanian official who revealed that the al Qaeda plotters planned to use weapons of mass destruction in the foiled attack.

"We found primary materials to make a chemical bomb which, if it had exploded, would have made nearly 20,000 deaths ... in an area of one square kilometre," the official told Agence France Press.

Another operation planned by the network was to use "deadly gas against the US embassy and the prime minister's office in Amman," he added.

A car belonging to the al Qaeda plotters, containing a chemical bomb and poisonous gas, was intercepted just 75 miles from the Syrian border
by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago.

Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none?

the experts were right huh

Was the US admitting that it had chem and bio weapons a few days ago? Is the US talking up the fact that it is still involved in the testing and manufacture of bio weapons? Weapons that are so evil that they make lethal gas look like candies for the children.

And sorry, the political distinction of what side of the US political game made the phony claims to slaughter innocents is of minor importance. Your country did it and it had the blessing of both sides.

Truth is a horrible thing Desh.
by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago.

Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none?

the experts were right huh

Do they have a label on them, that says: "If found, please return to Iraq"?
From the very onset, King Abdullah of Jordan has contended the convoy of trucks from Iraq in Syria leading up to the invasion were transporting Iraq's WMDs.

But then again, he's just a neighboring ruler, so what could he possibly know?

Lol, I'm sure he would
Do they have a label on them, that says: "If found, please return to Iraq"?

Well that 'would' be making the most of a bad situation for the US. Make some claims that Syria's chem weapons can be traced to Iraq. Won't that be a big surprise when they try that one on!
Well that 'would' be making the most of a bad situation for the US. Make some claims that Syria's chem weapons can be traced to Iraq. Won't that be a big surprise when they try that one on!

Monty said: I won't consider or believe anything that goes against my pre-conceived ideas or anything that might make my complaints seem to be whiny.