WMDs confirmed in Syria

From the very onset, King Abdullah of Jordan has contended the convoy of trucks from Iraq in Syria leading up to the invasion were transporting Iraq's WMDs.

But then again, he's just a neighboring ruler, so what could he possibly know?

If true why didn't he blow the whistle on it? Why wait until nine years later to expose such a dire threat?
Can you cite that he did?

Abdullah has a dog in this hunt. He is exactly friendly towards Syria.

I am positive that if the Bush administration could prove that Saddam was moving his weapons into Syria they would have done so. I heard the idea floated, but the Bush administration never stated it as fact and I believe they would have done so to make their case that Saddam still had WMDs. They were desperate, they would have used it. It is why I never believed the claim.
First of all, let's all try a little honesty and determine what WMD's really are. They're not what the US tries to make them out to be. They are weapons which by pure definition are capable of causing 'mass' destruction. Atomic bombs, huge US fuel/air explosives, and the like. The teenage military experts can add to that list.

Chemical weapons are not and neither are other weapons the US chooses to fit the label.
From the very onset, King Abdullah of Jordan has contended the convoy of trucks from Iraq in Syria leading up to the invasion were transporting Iraq's WMDs.

But then again, he's just a neighboring ruler, so what could he possibly know?

If true why didn't he blow the whistle on it? Why wait until nine years later to expose such a dire threat?

What part of "from the very onset" confuses you?

In 2006, former Iraqi general Georges Sada, second in command of the Iraqi Air Force who served under Saddam Hussein before he defected, wrote a comprehensive book, “Saddam’s Secrets.”

It details how the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria in advance of the U.S.-led action to eliminate Hussein’s WMD threat.

As Sada told the New York Sun, two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, and special Republican Guard units loaded the planes with chemical weapons materials.

There were 56 flights disguised as a relief effort after a 2002 Syrian dam collapse.

There were also truck convoys into Syria. Sada’s comments came more than a month after Israel’s top general during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Moshe Yaalon, told the Sun that Saddam “transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria.”

Both Israeli and U.S. intelligence observed large truck convoys leaving Iraq and entering Syria in the weeks and months before Operation Iraqi Freedom, John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense for international technology security, told a private conference of former weapons inspectors and intelligence experts held in Arlington, Va., in 2006.
Quoting King Abdullah as credible!
Quoting Saddam Hussein as credible when he was on the US's side in his fight against Iran!

Which goes to show that Assad could be quoted as being credible in the right situation.

There's one voice in world politics that has no credibility left. guess who Americans!
by the dictator who refused to even admit he had them a couple of days ago.

Remember when the right insisted on actually invading and SHOCKING and AWING because they claimed Sadam had chemical weapons even though all the experts said there were none?

the experts were right huh

Assad stated he would turn over all control of his chemical weapons......I'm not sure why these people need a link.....

The link is right here if they really need it http://lmgtfy.com/

While I won't agree that Assad was the one that used them without proof, Sarin gas was used in Syria and Sarin gas is a wmd. So "WMD's in Syria" is accurate.
Abdullah has a dog in this hunt. He is exactly friendly towards Syria.

I am positive that if the Bush administration could prove that Saddam was moving his weapons into Syria they would have done so. I heard the idea floated, but the Bush administration never stated it as fact and I believe they would have done so to make their case that Saddam still had WMDs. They were desperate, they would have used it. It is why I never believed the claim.

Exactly. It would have been a slam-dunk vindication for him.
Assad stated he would turn over all control of his chemical weapons......I'm not sure why these people need a link.....

The link is right here if they really need it http://lmgtfy.com/

While I won't agree that Assad was the one that used them without proof, Sarin gas was used in Syria and Sarin gas is a wmd. So "WMD's in Syria" is accurate.

do you believe it now?
From the very onset, King Abdullah of Jordan has contended the convoy of trucks from Iraq in Syria leading up to the invasion were transporting Iraq's WMDs.

But then again, he's just a neighboring ruler, so what could he possibly know?

I love this one.

WHY did Bush plan the Iraq invasion so badly that they allowed the weapons to walk the border like you claim happened?

Dude that would make Bush a real idiot huh.

BTW they KNEW sadams weapons were degraded you fool.

No one had sold him the ingredients for decades.

yet you still fell for ALL the right wing lies.