WM's solution to the recession


We should send out the navy to a poor country that can't defend itself, attack them, and then just bring back a shitload of slaves and sell them on the market. This will raise a huge amount of money, put more good on the market, and soon the economy will have improved. We can just keep on doing this as well, getting more and more powerful on the backs of our hordes of slaves. We also need to modify the 14th amendment so that their children remain slaves and don't ever become citizens. If a person ever manages to buy their freedom, they should be treated as an illegal immigrant and deported to Somalia to die.
I have an even better idea. Why import smelly foreigners when we have perfectly good proles here? An easy way to figure out which ones get to be slaves is to hold a lottery. Just make state lotteries set so that if you don't win the grand prize, you become a slave.
I have an even better idea. Why import smelly foreigners when we have perfectly good proles here? An easy way to figure out which ones get to be slaves is to hold a lottery. Just make state lotteries set so that if you don't win the grand prize, you become a slave.

My goal would be to sell enough slaves to get rid of taxes and pay off the debt. This could best be accomplished by raiding foreign nations. We can include various undesirable ethnic minorities in this plan as well, though. Hopefully we can get other rich nations to legalize slavery and buy our slaves, otherwise we'll be limited to the home market (and with all the cheap labor, corporations will be moving here by the buttload to take advantage of the great deal).
My goal would be to sell enough slaves to get rid of taxes and pay off the debt. This could best be accomplished by raiding foreign nations. We can include various undesirable ethnic minorities in this plan as well, though. Hopefully we can get other rich nations to legalize slavery and buy our slaves, otherwise we'll be limited to the home market (and with all the cheap labor, corporations will be moving here by the buttload to take advantage of the great deal).
We could sell them to China to pay off the debt. It'd work well for both of us. Their citizens can use them like we did in the start of our county, and we can pay down our debt to them.

I still think the lottery here is the best idea though, since only proles buy lottery tickets in the first place.

Southern proles at that.
We should have all of the Boomers committed. It might actually help to reduce the overall costs of their health problems, plus we can make them productive, and have them knit sweaters and such...