Into the Night
Verified User
I've lived in Anaheim.
The last report I saw said that the parks and resorts have made about 5.5 billion last year, up 14%.
Old (or made up) data then.
I've lived in Anaheim.
The last report I saw said that the parks and resorts have made about 5.5 billion last year, up 14%.
They sure are not, dumbfuck. Guns have surpassed vehicular deaths as the leading cause of death for our youth
Yet, you oppose any measures to try to reduce that. Looks like you’re part of the problem.
You still didn’t answer the question as to where drag queens rank as a killer of our children.
Hard to say. Disney has always been pretty sleazy. This may be the exposure that severely damages them. In America they are having serious problems. Asia doesn't seem to care. But the Middle East is taking note - hard to say what impact that has on revenue though. I wonder how Disneyland in Paris-Stan is doing?
Disney really only cares about China, so you may be right - the loss of American consumers might not be an issue for them.
I did find this;
{Despite its blockbuster attendance, Disneyland Paris has rarely made a profit since its ornate iron gates swung open in 1992. Its bottom line has been weighed down by charges including interest payments on the $1.8 billion (€1.7 billion) of bank borrowings that were used to fund the construction of the resort.}
Disneyland Paris Loses Its Sparkle As Nearly 15,000 Fans Sign Petition To Bring Back Ticket Perks (
[FONT=Georgia, Cambria, Times New Roman, Times, serif]So it's not real rosy in the Islamic world.[/FONT]
That's a lie. Not that you ever post anything that isn't. Disease, much of it related to obesity remains the leading cause of childhood death.
FastStats - Child Health (
You of the fascist left started the big lie campaign when it came out that gun deaths, mostly suicide, exceeded deaths from motor vehicles for the first time. Being liars and demagogues - you started a whopper that "guns be da leading cause."
Further, though it was short lived and automobile deaths again surpass firearm deaths among those under 18 (did the hate sites that do your thinking for you fail to update their stories? Such a shock) the reason for the short term reversal was due to a REDUCTION in traffic fatalities - cars are safer - airbags work. Gun deaths per 100,000 youths continues to DECLINE - despite the lies you vomit out.
I know, you have an agenda and facts get in the way.
You Marxists keep emptying prisons of violent criminals. #1 way of reducing gun violence is keeping violent criminals locked up.
But then, your goal is mayhem - perceived or actual. You have a country to destroy, after all.
Disney parks made a total of 28 billion in 2022.
You can research how much each made individually.
Obviously if there is one losing money it's not affecting their bottom line. fiscal year has,over the full fiscal year.
As an easy way to pivot. It's a fallacy.Why do democrats always answer a question with a question?
His answer is 'yes', though he keeps trying to deny his own posts.Do you support drag queens performing in front of children? It's easy, yes or no.
The same nonsense appearing again? Meh. Every thread on gun control is the same here.If you then want to get into guns, gang bangers, suicide, and drugs, start a thread and I will be happy to chime in.
So you lied about your DQs.
You deny that Woodrow and FDR were leftists socialists.
And you have no idea who you want to ban from owning what.![]()
...said no American ever.![]()
Disney parks made a total of 28 billion in 2022.
You can research how much each made individually.
Obviously if there is one losing money it's not affecting their bottom line. fiscal year has,over the full fiscal year.
I doubt it, I suspect this is a great buying opportunity. Whackos like DeSsntis are short term.
DeSantis can’t even get rid of Reedy creek.
Disney is raking it in.
Not like they used to which is why their stock has dropped 40% in two years.
While they are making money the value of their company is dropping drastically.
What this means is that investment in their company will fall forcing them to rely on their cash at hand to fund new business ventures such as movies.
Eventually they are going to burn through that dropping their value even more.
They may end up with only their parks and nothing else.
I doubt it, I suspect this is a great buying opportunity. Whackos like DeSsntis are short term.
DeSantis can’t even get rid of Reedy creek.
If they keep on the present path, they will lose those too.
Did you know that Disney is a lot more than amusement parks??
Old (or made up) data then.
Mr. Tiny Penis, nobody runs from it, you are just too arrogant to accept the correct definition.
Woke, in terms of Movies and TV just means 'catering to the face of the buying audience as it changes'.
There was nothing more 'woke' than the prior 100+ years of Hollywood movies and Tv shows catering to the mostly white male decision makers and buyers.
White men pushed in to play PoC roles, not just in fiction but real life people. White men playing womens roles. White saviours pushed in to 'save' other cultures. white males who are very average getting super hot hollywood wives and gf's. And on and on.
It was the peek of Woke Culture done specifically to cater directly to the main buying audience, white males.
As the face of the buyer has changed (PoC and Women) those same white males are now suffering depression and crying crocodile tears as they NOTICE the pandering done to others but are still blind to the majority of it done to them. So they cry demanding it be 'ALL ABOUT ME.... ME... ME... ME'. They want to know 'why are you catering to OTHERS now? Just cater to ME'.
Their tears are delicious.
^^^You don't get to speak for everyone, Dutch/Sybil/and all your other socks.
The below is actually a good defintion but you guys are too dumb to realize it applies to white males more than any other group.
They woke scold and complain more than any other group in history because OTHERS are finally getting a fraction of the attention they are.
As someone smarter than you already pointed out...
It's not DeSantis, dude. It's Disney. They are torpedoing themselves.