Woke idiocy knows no boundaries


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In what appears to be the first case of "species" dysphoria schools in Scotland will now kowtow to some mentally deranged students who believe that they are a wolf or some other species including fictional species like dragons. The leftist cockroaches always deny there is "slippery slope" in these matters but here we are playing pretend that people can be a different species. At some point if you can't see the problem then you're just fucked up in the head.

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In what appears to be the first case of "species" dysphoria schools in Scotland will now kowtow to some mentally deranged students who believe that they are a wolf or some other species including fictional species like dragons. The leftist cockroaches always deny there is "slippery slope" in these matters but here we are playing pretend that people can be a different species. At some point if you can't see the problem then you're just fucked up in the head.

Not sure why the leftists arent here explaining the "science" of this. Hey lefties how long do you think it will be before people start identifying as inanimate objects and expecting everyone to play pretend with them?
Not sure why the leftists arent here explaining the "science" of this. Hey lefties how long do you think it will be before people start identifying as inanimate objects and expecting everyone to play pretend with them?
Because if it's a secondhand Sun article from the Daily Mail, it's probably bullshit just like when GOP dumbasses and Joe Rogan were claiming it was happening here.
In what appears to be the first case of "species" dysphoria schools in Scotland will now kowtow to some mentally deranged students who believe that they are a wolf or some other species including fictional species like dragons. The leftist cockroaches always deny there is "slippery slope" in these matters but here we are playing pretend that people can be a different species. At some point if you can't see the problem then you're just fucked up in the head.

OMG Scotland has fallen! It was such a great country. It's sad to think that this single one-off news story about something weird would imply the entire destruction of a country but when a weird thing happens anywhere it affects everywhere.
Yakadoo, if you post something then you are the one who should back-up what you post.
Well first of all trump, i did back it up. It's called a link. You don't like the link but I'm not your mother so i don't give a fuck what you like. I bet shes tired of your whining too. Now if you believe my link is incorrect or false prove it with evidence besides your useless opinion.
Not sure why the leftists arent here explaining the "science" of this. Hey lefties how long do you think it will be before people start identifying as inanimate objects and expecting everyone to play pretend with them?

Not long at all. You identify as a brick.
Well first of all trump, i did back it up. It's called a link. You don't like the link but I'm not your mother so i don't give a fuck what you like. I bet shes tired of your whining too. Now if you believe my link is incorrect or false prove it with evidence besides your useless opinion.
Yakadoo, I called you an idiot, and you keep proving me right.
OMG Scotland has fallen! It was such a great country. It's sad to think that this single one-off news story about something weird would imply the entire destruction of a country but when a weird thing happens anywhere it affects everywhere.
I don't live in Scotland so whether it's fallen is irrelevant to me. What this story does tell us is there are retarded woke leftist assholes everywhere who think we are all supposed to play pretend with them.
Well first of all trump, i did back it up. It's called a link. You don't like the link but I'm not your mother so i don't give a fuck what you like. I bet shes tired of your whining too. Now if you believe my link is incorrect or false prove it with evidence besides your useless opinion.
So links = automatic presumption of truth now? You've come a long way, baby.
In what appears to be the first case of "species" dysphoria schools in Scotland will now kowtow to some mentally deranged students who believe that they are a wolf or some other species including fictional species like dragons. The leftist cockroaches always deny there is "slippery slope" in these matters but here we are playing pretend that people can be a different species. At some point if you can't see the problem then you're just fucked up in the head.

The condition is called lycanthropy.