Woman Billed Over $3K for Ambulance Ride Under 2 Miles

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
An ambulance bill of $3,419.60 for a ride of 1.8 miles went viral today, sparking fury over the sky-high prices of emergency medical care in the United States.

Since emergency ambulance rides cannot be planned ahead of time, many families are slapped with bills they cannot afford after attempting to save their loved ones. Emergency dispatchers often don't have time to check the patient's insurance. Sometimes there is no opportunity to choose a specific service because the patient is unconscious or sedated. Other times, there is only one ambulance contract for the region.

This sort of bureaucratic nonsense and rigidity abounds. Several years ago the wife ran herself over with one of our trucks while getting out of it (yea, laugh thinking about that...). Anyway, the City of Phoenix FD responded and took her to the hospital. The mailing address was for the City of Glendale. We got a bill for the ambulance ride because the Phoenix bureaucrats saw it was a Glendale address. Didn't matter that the physical location was in the City of Phoenix and we paid for Phoenix services. All that mattered to them was it was a Glendale address on paper. That took several weeks to straighten out before they agreed we didn't owe anything.
An ambulance bill of $3,419.60 for a ride of 1.8 miles went viral today, sparking fury over the sky-high prices of emergency medical care in the United States.

Since emergency ambulance rides cannot be planned ahead of time, many families are slapped with bills they cannot afford after attempting to save their loved ones. Emergency dispatchers often don't have time to check the patient's insurance. Sometimes there is no opportunity to choose a specific service because the patient is unconscious or sedated. Other times, there is only one ambulance contract for the region.

Equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation can help automatically stabilize this sector as well by ensuring full employment of capital resources by solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment in a market friendly manner and ensuring the insurance costs can be spread out over a larger pool of participants.
We are so behind without universal medical care. To the wealthy medical care is couch change. They do not need it. So we do not have it. We pay tops for worse coverage.
This sort of bureaucratic nonsense and rigidity abounds.

Politicians love blaming the bureaucrats for the unworkable system that the politicians created. If anything, Europeans have far more bureaucrats, but this would not happen in Europe.
An ambulance bill of $3,419.60 for a ride of 1.8 miles went viral today, sparking fury over the sky-high prices of emergency medical care in the United States.

Since emergency ambulance rides cannot be planned ahead of time, many families are slapped with bills they cannot afford after attempting to save their loved ones. Emergency dispatchers often don't have time to check the patient's insurance. Sometimes there is no opportunity to choose a specific service because the patient is unconscious or sedated. Other times, there is only one ambulance contract for the region.


Looks like Obamacare failed again.
For-profit medicine is how you put healthcare beyond the means of most people. We have proven clearly how wrong it is. The bankruptcies pile up. Those without care die or suffer. Any American who moves abroad exclaims the medical care and the lack of pressure on their lives with it. We should have changed to universal care long ago but the wealthy are not going to give that money up without a fight.
Politicians love blaming the bureaucrats for the unworkable system that the politicians created. If anything, Europeans have far more bureaucrats, but this would not happen in Europe.

The billing? No. The sitting in the ambulance for two hours at the hospital waiting to be admitted to the emergency room because the bureaucrats running things want the 'official' wait time for being seen set under 30 minutes. Doesn't matter you died in the ambulance waiting. It does matter that it officially took you less than 30 minutes to be seen--even as you never were.

The system is just as unworkable, just the priorities and such change. If you spent time in the military like I did, you'd never, ever, want the sort of "free" healthcare the military gives out.
This sort of bureaucratic nonsense and rigidity abounds. Several years ago the wife ran herself over with one of our trucks while getting out of it (yea, laugh thinking about that...). Anyway, the City of Phoenix FD responded and took her to the hospital. The mailing address was for the City of Glendale. We got a bill for the ambulance ride because the Phoenix bureaucrats saw it was a Glendale address. Didn't matter that the physical location was in the City of Phoenix and we paid for Phoenix services. All that mattered to them was it was a Glendale address on paper. That took several weeks to straighten out before they agreed we didn't owe anything.

So handjob, you speak of your wife which makes you a Lesbian!
Yea, he fixed it real good, like a bookie fixes a prize fight...

Obama was a lot like Merkel....just a complete disaster for the nation. There was a willingness from the American people to address the deeply troubled medical system. Obama promised that he was doing just that, but he was not interested in fixing the very expensive very poorly functioning system, just shoveling more money towards it, which served only to bankrupt the nation quicker.

And we are bankrupt, as soon as the dollar fails as a global reserve currency (which is happening quickly) America becomes a deeply impoverished nation. The fact that we dont make much of anything anymore sure wont help.
An ambulance bill of $3,419.60 for a ride of 1.8 miles went viral today, sparking fury over the sky-high prices of emergency medical care in the United States.

Since emergency ambulance rides cannot be planned ahead of time, many families are slapped with bills they cannot afford after attempting to save their loved ones. Emergency dispatchers often don't have time to check the patient's insurance. Sometimes there is no opportunity to choose a specific service because the patient is unconscious or sedated. Other times, there is only one ambulance contract for the region.

Many ambulance companies don't accept insurance, because insurance companies will not pay the ridiculous charges. I was charged $2000 to be transported from one hospital to another one 40 miles away.

Not quite as bad as the OP.
Yawn. Keep your hand out. It really is all you have.
How droll. Corporate welfare pays multimillion dollar bonuses yet equal protection of our own at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation is too much to ask from the right-wing?

Vote Blue not Red!
How droll. Corporate welfare pays multimillion dollar bonuses yet equal protection of our own at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation is too much to ask from the right-wing?

Vote Blue not Red!

Once again. Yawn. Keep being needy you poor dumb bastard.
Once again. Yawn. Keep being needy you poor dumb bastard.
lol. How droll, right-winger. It is why nobody takes the right-wing serious about Any Thing serious.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”

― Anatole France