I didn't figure you would grasp it. As a society we (us normal people) cannot tolerate a society where people are just allowed to die without providing them available basic medical care. Has nothing to do with them, it is the rest of society that cannot just allow people to die. Most people do have a conscience. Do you think prisoners should just be allowed to die if they are diabetic or asthmatic and incarcerated at the time?
I didn't think you truly cared for people. All that talk and no action to back it up. I've provided a way where people can get the care YOU say they deserve, it doesn't cost me a dime, and you can prove your claims of caring are genuine. You refuse to do it yet still claim you care. How do you sleep at night knowing that because YOU refuse to do what you say should be done that people die?
Having a conscience doesn't mean it's the place of others to fund what you support because you refuse to do so while claiming compassion for them.