Woman Loses Job After Telling Waiter: 'I Hope Trump Deports You'

No one wants a real estate agent who is a publicly exposed bigot and racist. Bad for business, you know.
Publicly exposure as a bigot and a racist is bad, but not actually illegal. Her lying about her card supposedly being stolen, and saying she had not charged the meal, is a real legal problem. A real estate agent has to be a person of her word. When she witnesses a document, we have to know that she is a person of good character.

Clearly, she is not a person of good character, whether legally or socially. I agree the bigotry is probably the worst of her sins, but trying to steal a free meal is the worst of her crimes.
Publicly exposure as a bigot and a racist is bad, but not actually illegal. Her lying about her card supposedly being stolen, and saying she had not charged the meal, is a real legal problem. A real estate agent has to be a person of her word. When she witnesses a document, we have to know that she is a person of good character.

Clearly, she is not a person of good character, whether legally or socially. I agree the bigotry is probably the worst of her sins, but trying to steal a free meal is the worst of her crimes.
1. Your sentence here is a moot and useless point that does not change the fact based reality and logic of what I previously posted.

2. See #1.

3. See #1.

4. See #1.

5. See #1.

6. See #1.

No one wants a real estate agent who is a publicly exposed bigot and racist. Bad for business, you know. To further clarify, such a person can give the impression that said agency may be prone to redlining, which is against the law. So she was canned for that reason, the credit card issue was in effect the icing on the cake.
1. Your sentence here is a moot and useless point that does not change the fact based reality and logic of what I previously posted.
I did not want to change the reality and logic of what you previously posted. I am adding to it.

No one wants a real estate agent who is a publicly exposed bigot and racist.
Yes, you are correct. I will now add that a real estate agent who commits fraud is also something that can not be allowed to happen.
Many real Americans are aware of these violent illegals who rape and murder American women or molest and murder American children, or drive drunk and maim and kill real Americans, old man.

Go back to bed, old man.
Two were arrested yesterday for murdering a man who was trying to stop them from stealing his neighbor's catalytic converter. The both had 12-15 previous arrests. ICE had places them on retainers but LA did not honor them. Proof the LA resident want to live with criminals.