Woman Swallowed By Python As She Checked On Her Cornfield


Verified User
Must have been a small woman in stature too?!!

  • A woman in Indonesia was swallowed whole by a python as she checked on her cornfields last week.

  • 100 villagers from Persiapan Lawela searched the area and found a 23 foot-long snake with a very swollen belly. The villagers killed the snake, cut it open, and found Wa inside.
A woman in Indonesia was swallowed whole by a python as she checked on her cornfields last week. According to The Washington Post, citing the Jakarta Post, the woman's name was Wa Tiba and lived on Muna Island off the coast of Sulawesi. She left her home Thursday night to visit her cornfield about a half mile from her home.

Reticulated pythons are common in the area, but it was actually wild boars that Wa had been worried about initially because they'd be destroying her crops, according to the Jakarta Post's report.


Those fucking beasts have taken over The Everglades and are killing off everything else.

All because they allowed them to be sold as pets to morons who got tired of them, so they figured WTF? and released them into the wild where they are reproducing faster than they can be eliminated.

To make matters worse, when Hurricane Andrew hit back in the 90's and flattened Homestead, several pet stores were among the destroyed properties and a bunch of these bastards got out that way.

Seems like there's no solution in sight, either.

They've instituted a program where they pay snake hunters a bounty for each dead python they bring in, but that isn't even putting a dent in the population.

My idea from he beginning has been to mount cameras and small caliber guns onto drones, fly them around over various areas and pop them on sight.

Pay the operator for every snake that is obviously dead.

Maybe use poison tipped darts instead of bullets.
Indonesia somehow escaped my lifetime travel itinerary, although I unfortunately spent some very miserable time about 1000 miles north of there..

I guess that I didn't miss a hell of a lot.
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Those fucking beasts have taken over The Everglades and are killing off everything else.

All because they allowed them to be sold as pets to morons who got tired of them, so they figured WTF? and released them into the wild where they are reproducing faster than they can be eliminated.

To make matters worse, when Hurricane Andrew hit back in the 90's and flattened Homestead, several pet stores were among the destroyed properties and a bunch of these bastards got out that way.

Seems like there's no solution in sight, either.

They've instituted a program where they pay snake hunters a bounty for each dead python they bring in, but that isn't even putting a dent in the population.

My idea from he beginning has been to mount cameras and small caliber guns onto drones, fly them around over various areas and pop them on sight.

Pay the operator for every snake that is obviously dead.

Maybe use poison tipped darts instead of bullets

...and if it misses and hits a kid, then what?

BTW, Democrats have a bad habit of leading the nation down the road to Hell with good intentions. What kind of precedent do you think arming drones with guns and flying them in the USA will set?

Agreed it's a problem. Blame pet owners or pet stores and hurricanes, it's a problem in need of a solution. Paying a bounties is good. By pay by the foot is good too.
...and if it misses and hits a kid, then what?

Uhhhh...... you did understand that I was talking about hunting Burmese Pythons....


....didn't you?

Ever been to the Everglades, genius?

Ever seen pictures or film footage of the Everglades?

Tell me how many little kids you see traipsing around in this drone video....


BTW, Democrats have a bad habit of leading the nation down the road to Hell with good intentions. What kind of precedent do you think arming drones with guns and flying them in the USA will set?

Agreed it's a problem. Blame pet owners or pet stores and hurricanes, it's a problem in need of a solution. Paying a bounties is good. By pay by the foot is good too.

Obviously they would need a special license to do it legally.

But since when has something being illegal ever stopped anyone from doing said thing before?

And you think there aren't drones with guns mounted on them already?

I was going to post a video of a drone with a gun mounted to it, but there were so many, I just posted the link to the YouTube search results.


Uhhhh...... you did understand that I was talking about hunting Burmese Pythons....


....didn't you?

Ever been to the Everglades, genius?

Ever seen pictures or film footage of the Everglades?

Tell me how many little kids you see traipsing around in this drone video....


Obviously they would need a special license to do it legally.

But since when has something being illegal ever stopped anyone from doing said thing before?

And you think there aren't drones with guns mounted on them already?

I was going to post a video of a drone with a gun mounted to it, but there were so many, I just posted the link to the YouTube search results.


Nice rant. So, in that case, you don't care if it hits Bambi or a Native American? It's as if the fucking snakes sunbathe like crocodiles.

Yes. Flew over it 4-5 days/week for 6 years. Lots of swamp and trees. The Eastern Flight 401 crash site is under the flight path into Miami. Rumor has it that there'd have been more survivors except for one or two lost to gators. Nasty place. Lots of skeeters. ;)

A total of 101 people died in the crash, but miraculously 75 survived.

Regardless, I agree. Pythons are a deadly, invasive species. A problem in need of a satisfactory resolution. BTW, I'd use something larger than a .22.
Uhhhh...... you did understand that I was talking about hunting Burmese Pythons....


....didn't you?

Ever been to the Everglades, genius?

Ever seen pictures or film footage of the Everglades?

Tell me how many little kids you see traipsing around in this drone video....


Obviously they would need a special license to do it legally.

But since when has something being illegal ever stopped anyone from doing said thing before?

And you think there aren't drones with guns mounted on them already?

I was going to post a video of a drone with a gun mounted to it, but there were so many, I just posted the link to the YouTube search results.


Those fucking beasts have taken over The Everglades and are killing off everything else.

All because they allowed them to be sold as pets to morons who got tired of them, so they figured WTF? and released them into the wild where they are reproducing faster than they can be eliminated.

To make matters worse, when Hurricane Andrew hit back in the 90's and flattened Homestead, several pet stores were among the destroyed properties and a bunch of these bastards got out that way.

Seems like there's no solution in sight, either.

They've instituted a program where they pay snake hunters a bounty for each dead python they bring in, but that isn't even putting a dent in the population.

My idea from he beginning has been to mount cameras and small caliber guns onto drones, fly them around over various areas and pop them on sight.

Pay the operator for every snake that is obviously dead.

Maybe use poison tipped darts instead of bullets.

Start paying for their skins, they'll get decimated.

You know, there's parts of the Everglades that are just hell to get to and whatnot.

Where the crackers have airboats with 400 Big block chevy engines with Holley double -pumpers and Nitrous Oxide injection and all that?

It's a hot, constantly wet place with a shit-ton of skeeters, gators, crocodiles, wild boars..(should not be there)
Feral Pythons, and crocodiles..Oh! don't forget the Water Moccasins and Diamondbacks, because they can kill you too.
Then there's Key Deer, or..there was...
Oh! There's also Coral Snakes and Redbugs. What did I leave out? Ticks? Sawgrass? The Everglades has it all, baby! :D
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Start paying for their skins, they'll get decimated.

You know, there's parts of the Everglades that are just hell to get to and whatnot.

Where the crackers have airboats with 400 Big block chevy engines with Holley double -pumpers and Nitrous Oxide injection and all that?

For once I can agree with you.
Don't tell me you know a cracker with a boat like that.

Not something someone not from Florida would.

I was referring to the part about paying for snake skins, to increase hunting, so has to control the snake's numbers. I don't know what you mean by a cracker.
Nice rant. So, in that case, you don't care if it hits Bambi or a Native American? It's as if the fucking snakes sunbathe like crocodiles.

There are no Seminole Indians aka "native Americans" running around in the middle if the Everglades either.

And I think it's assumed that these drone guns would have very accurate laser sighting, so the possibility of hitting something else is next to nil.

And I'm fairly certain they would see some snakes out in the open. Also, snake hunters know where to look.

Yes. Flew over it 4-5 days/week for 6 years. Lots of swamp and trees. The Eastern Flight 401 crash site is under the flight path into Miami. Rumor has it that there'd have been more survivors except for one or two lost to gators. Nasty place. Lots of skeeters. ;)

Regardless, I agree. Pythons are a deadly, invasive species. A problem in need of a satisfactory resolution. BTW, I'd use something larger than a .22.

I think a well placed .22 hollow point would do the job on a big snake.
There are no Seminole Indians aka "native Americans" running around in the middle if the Everglades either.

And I think it's assumed that these drone guns would have very accurate laser sighting, so the possibility of hitting something else is next to nil.

And I'm fairly certain they would see some snakes out in the open. Also, snake hunters know where to look.

I think a well placed .22 hollow point would do the job on a big snake.
Did the Yankees break another treaty with them? https://www.semtribe.com/stof/history/seminoles-today

No doubt the technology will develop that a drone can shoot the eye out of a snake; be it a legless serpent or a two-legged one.

If the shot is exact, then a .22 can take down a bear, but moving targets and/or moving shooters present problems with accuracy. How big and stable is the drone?
Did the Yankees break another treaty with them?

They wouldn't be running around out in the middle of the swamp where the snakes live and hide.

No doubt the technology will develop that a drone can shoot the eye out of a snake; be it a legless serpent or a two-legged one.

If the shot is exact, then a .22 can take down a bear, but moving targets and/or moving shooters present problems with accuracy. How big and stable is the drone?

Those snakes move extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely slow.

When they're moving at all.

I have no idea about the size of the drone because I didn't make any in depth plans.

It was just an idea that I had.

I'm sure those details could be worked out.
They wouldn't be running around out in the middle of the swamp where the snakes live and hide.

Those snakes move extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely slow.

When they're moving at all.

I have no idea about the size of the drone because I didn't make any in depth plans.

It was just an idea that I had.

I'm sure those details could be worked out.

Drone tech is coming along fast. Attaching a single shot gun to a small drone would be an excellent assassination weapon if it was backpack portable.

Imagine being able to do this with one shot per person:


Those fucking beasts have taken over The Everglades and are killing off everything else.

All because they allowed them to be sold as pets to morons who got tired of them, so they figured WTF? and released them into the wild where they are reproducing faster than they can be eliminated.

To make matters worse, when Hurricane Andrew hit back in the 90's and flattened Homestead, several pet stores were among the destroyed properties and a bunch of these bastards got out that way.

Seems like there's no solution in sight, either.

They've instituted a program where they pay snake hunters a bounty for each dead python they bring in, but that isn't even putting a dent in the population.

My idea from he beginning has been to mount cameras and small caliber guns onto drones, fly them around over various areas and pop them on sight.

Pay the operator for every snake that is obviously dead.

Maybe use poison tipped darts instead of bullets.

It's not a good idea to ever poison wild creatures. It will also kill whoever eats them -- like raptors, foxes, coyotes, vultures, pet dogs, etc.

You give a really good example of how destructive invasive species can be if they escape captivity.
I was referring to the part about paying for snake skins, to increase hunting, so has to control the snake's numbers. I don't know what you mean by a cracker.

Ofc you don't. You know nothing about hotrodded airboat-having, swamp cabbage and gator eating crackers.

That's where I'm from.