Women and LGBTQ+ people take up guns after Trump’s win: ‘We need to protect ourselves’

gotta link?

Sure. Here's a few:

Like a latino activist in the 4 98% latino counties in Texas that went for Trump said,Democrats were babbling idiot nonsense about 'pronouns' while Republicans were talking about the economy and jobs. Democrats only care about 'normalizing' sexual deviancy, sexually mutilating children, and promoting pedophilia, and we can see the evidence here in this thread as well.
I would be careful in saying all Democrats are only interested in just those issues. The majority of Democrats are centrist liberals and not progressive liberals. The problem with the Democrats is that though largely centrist you have a tail wagging the dog situation in the Democratic Party in which the progressives hold most of the positions of power and for anyone with the sense to rub two sticks together that progressives liberals are the best friends the political right has.

Progressives have worked hard at saying stupid shit about men and in particular white men that can have no political purpose other than to alienate men which was clearly demonstrated in the last election.

People are fed up with Wokeness, and how it’s been corrupted. They are fed up with cancel culture, identity politics and most of all second wave feminism and there open bigotry towards men. The truth is that for Democrats to be competitive in the future the progressives will need to be taken out of leadership positions and returned to the back benches where they belong.

Having said that Progressive Liberals do not present the existential danger that a populist demagogue like Trump represents to a constitutional republic like the U.S.

Abraham Lincoln was quite right when he said that it has been the fate of all Republics to have been destroyed by internal faction. What Lincoln didn’t say and would be equally true is that those factions that destroyed those Republics were all lead by Demagogues like Donald Trump.

So from my point of view asking me to support either MAGA or Progressive Liberals is liking asking me if I’d rather blow my head off with a hand grenade or swallow a fatal dose of cyanide.

Since I don’t particularly feel suicidal I will decline to support either.
I would be careful in saying all Democrats are only interested in just those issues. The majority of Democrats are centrist liberals and not progressive liberals. The problem with the Democrats is that though largely centrist you have a tail wagging the dog situation in the Democratic Party in which the progressives hold most of the positions of power and for anyone with the sense to rub two sticks together that progressives liberals are the best friends the political right has.

Progressives have worked hard at saying stupid shit about men and in particular white men that can have no political purpose other than to alienate men which was clearly demonstrated in the last election.

People are fed up with Wokeness, and how it’s been corrupted. They are fed up with cancel culture, identity politics and most of all second wave feminism and there open bigotry towards men. The truth is that for Democrats to be competitive in the future the progressives will need to be taken out of leadership positions and returned to the back benches where they belong.

Having said that Progressive Liberals do not present the existential danger that a populist demagogue like Trump represents to a constitutional republic like the U.S.

Abraham Lincoln was quite right when he said that it has been the fate of all Republics to have been destroyed by internal faction. What Lincoln didn’t say and would be equally true is that those factions that destroyed those Republics were all lead by Demagogues like Donald Trump.

So from my point of view asking me to support either MAGA or Progressive Liberals is liking asking me if I’d rather blow my head off with a hand grenade or swallow a fatal dose of cyanide.

Since I don’t particularly feel suicidal I will decline to support either.
Everyone is blaming everyone else. The progressive populists like the Young Turks say that Harris embracing the Republicans and the Centrist is why she lost.

Your prospective is that everyone is tired of woke. There is still a large portion of the population that thinks not enough has been done.
Everyone is blaming everyone else. The progressive populists like the Young Turks say that Harris embracing the Republicans and the Centrist is why she lost.

Your prospective is that everyone is tired of woke. There is still a large portion of the population that thinks not enough has been done.
That’s not an entirely correct assessment. To say that my premise is that the majority of voters are fed up with how progressives have corrupted Wokeness, which started out as a good thing, would be correct.

What the demographics of post election polling has shown are two things. Large numbers of working class men of all races switched party allegiance to the MAGA party (I call it that as the GOP traditional conservative coalition no longer exists. For better or worse it’s now Trumps party). The most common reason given by these men is that they were tired of progressives spouting second wave feminist tropes demonizing men and, in particular white men.

The second major reason is that Democrats underestimated the impact the steep inflation we had over the Biden years would impact the election (and I was guilty of that too). Democrats argued that the economy was doing fine and that in time inflation would decline and they weren’t exactly wrong. What they didn’t consider was the frustrations of seeing all the economic gains made by working class people (both white and blue collar) during the Biden years be eaten away by inflation. Democrats just said “The economy is fine.” and ignored the issue of inflation. That was a big strategic mistake and it bit them in the ass.

Having said that with the massive realignment of the GOP’s constituencies will force Democrats to realign their constituency of the educated allied with diversity, as the current core alignment, with the working class voters leaving in droves will be a failed one.

Now there’s no predicting how this historic change in the political factions of each party will realign my guess, and I emphasize that this is just a guess, is that the Democrats will put a hell of a lot of effort on working class bread and butter economic issues to win back working class voters and if they don’t and keep on emphasizing progressive social policies they will become a minority party for a generation or longer as what happened to Republicans due to the Great Depression.
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Any and all heightened security at your synagogue is due to the radical leftists (like the dem squad et al)
who are out to destroy, damage, kill anything at all to do with the Jews. Good to see that you're in tune
with the democrat madness that's taken anti Semitism to a new and higher level. Stay safe there Jew boy.
Guano is one of the Democratic useful idiots.
Let me see...I can't even think of a single post addressed to me that's truthful...
the alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.
I'm going to try to find one the posts personal to me that's truthful...so far, nothing...
That’s not an entirely correct assessment. To say that my premise is that the majority of voters are fed up with how progressives have corrupted Wokeness, which started out as a good thing, would be correct.

What the demographics of post election polling has shown are two things. Large numbers of working class men of all races switched party allegiance to the MAGA party (I call it that as the GOP traditional conservative coalition no longer exists. For better or worse it’s now Trumps party). The most common reason given by these men is that they were tired of progressives spouting second wave feminist tropes demonizing men and, in particular white men.

The second major reason is that Democrats underestimated the impact the steep inflation we had over the Biden years would impact the election (and I was guilty of that too). Democrats argued that the economy was doing fine and that in time inflation would decline and they weren’t exactly wrong. What they didn’t consider was the frustrations of seeing all the economic gains made by working class people (both white and blue collar) during the Biden years be eaten away by inflation. Democrats just said “The economy is fine.” and ignored the issue of inflation. That was a big strategic mistake and it bit them in the ass.

Having said that with the massive realignment of the GOP’s constituencies will force Democrats to realign their constituency of the educated allied with diversity, as the current core alignment, with the working class voters leaving in droves will be a failed one.

Now there’s no predicting how this historic change in the political factions of each party will realign my guess, and I emphasize that this is just a guess, is that the Democrats will put a hell of a lot of effort on working class bread and butter economic issues to win back working class voters and if they don’t and keep on emphasizing progressive social policies they will become a minority party for a generation or longer as what happened to Republicans due to the Great Depression.
To be a bit more succinct, you put horse mierda ahead of the well-being of the American people. Illegals, criminals, trans freaks, and pronouns ahead of the American people. Men in women’s sports and in women’s bathrooms.

Your Democratic college professors and presidents put terrorists ahead of the Jewish people.

Nothing was done to control crime, the borders and inflation.

Any changes that these far left Democratic Socialist loons make now won’t be believed. Most are hard core Socialists and worse.
That’s not an entirely correct assessment. To say that my premise is that the majority of voters are fed up with how progressives have corrupted Wokeness, which started out as a good thing, would be correct.

What the demographics of post election polling has shown are two things. Large numbers of working class men of all races switched party allegiance to the MAGA party (I call it that as the GOP traditional conservative coalition no longer exists. For better or worse it’s now Trumps party). The most common reason given by these men is that they were tired of progressives spouting second wave feminist tropes demonizing men and, in particular white men.

The second major reason is that Democrats underestimated the impact the steep inflation we had over the Biden years would impact the election (and I was guilty of that too). Democrats argued that the economy was doing fine and that in time inflation would decline and they weren’t exactly wrong. What they didn’t consider was the frustrations of seeing all the economic gains made by working class people (both white and blue collar) during the Biden years be eaten away by inflation. Democrats just said “The economy is fine.” and ignored the issue of inflation. That was a big strategic mistake and it bit them in the ass.

Having said that with the massive realignment of the GOP’s constituencies will force Democrats to realign their constituency of the educated allied with diversity, as the current core alignment, with the working class voters leaving in droves will be a failed one.

Now there’s no predicting how this historic change in the political factions of each party will realign my guess, and I emphasize that this is just a guess, is that the Democrats will put a hell of a lot of effort on working class bread and butter economic issues to win back working class voters and if they don’t and keep on emphasizing progressive social policies they will become a minority party for a generation or longer as what happened to Republicans due to the Great Depression.

wokeness is totally different than gay tolerance.

wokeness is child genital mutilation.

this word game will not pass.

you will lose forever with this.

humanity rejects Naziism.
Lol, silly to let something so insignificant bother you. It makes me smile, thanks.
So you're saying that harris/walz are
Its the filthy white goy-ah such as yourself who shoots up synagogues and Jews, does tree of life and power way synagogues ring a bell? southie goyim dirtball

insignificant? For once you're right.
now maybe your buddy and "good xtian' 🤮 libhater will call me kike and jew boy as he had
I don't recall calling you a kike, but I admit calling you a jew boy. For what I've read from your anti white posts and the utter
disrespect and unintelligent remarks you make here about anyone not agreeing with your love for Hamas and a love for biden's actions that handcuffed Israel from taking it to Iran and it's proxies, it only makes sense that you haven't grown to adulthood yet, and thus, you are a jew boy.
The outrage, the hate, the obsession with certain groups of people is very revealing, isn't it?
Yeah, especially the extreme hate the LEFT has for the RIGHT with people like the Hildebeast calling
half of the voting population deplorables, and biden calling we Make America Great Again, common
sense, pro American , patriotic people--Nazis, white supremacists and democracy killers.