Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Sure. Here's a few:gotta link?
being against child genital mutilation isn't homophobia.She also claims that she was an advanced practice nurse before "med school." All of us actual nurses had to take various psych classes, which covered the variations in human sexuality. We were also taught to at least try to understand those ppl we disagree with and/or find despecable, as our homophobic friends here feel about non-binary humans and how most of us feel about those who prey on kids.
this is why you lost.
you weren't listening in your psych credit lunch bag session.
because all their...And this is why Democrats lose elections. They are focused entirely to much on these types of identity politics the majority of voters aren’t interested in and if you wonder why so many men, and not just white men but across all demographics.
They talk about men like we’re worthless and the cause of all the wrongs in the world and in particular if you’re a white male you’re automatically a privileged bigot and a mysogenist.
So why should men vote for a party who has done nothing for their economic concerns and marginalizes them as worthless and not needed.
they love simps who let others reprogram their minds.Only the assholes and dumbassed psychos. They looooove me.![]()
but going forward, fail all shit tests.
that's just a nice Thanksgiving piece of advice.
fail all shit tests.