Women are like uncovered meat to a cat...

Looks like you are following Billo's career pretty damn close there. For someone who claims to be so damn original, you sure plagiarize as much as BILLO. And of course, O'Reilly does nothing on his show except come on and read it and interview the guests. Not much to that, really, after all conservative ideas aren't rocket science, in fact in most cases they aren't even philosophically coherent or logical. So you preping for that show would be like what sitting in makeup for 45 minutes while they cover all the blothiness and then getting the script as you trot onto the stage and wait for the green light. And those books, you don't really expect anyone to believe that you actually research and write those books yourself do you???? And I happen to know that you hang out in a particular Ruby Tuesday's on Long Island enough to make all this talk about having no time to spend on this board sound like crap. Hey, I bet you are still smarting from that shredding that you took on Letterman's show, aren't you, BILLO. Must be about time for make-up, HUH?
Hey, I've watched the show. Except for the reading, which could be done by a voice-over, a hungry monkey could be treased to do what BILLO does nightly.