Women's Studies


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I recently read a bio of someone who got a certificate in Women's Studies.

What the crackle is this? I googled it and can only find gibberish.

Why, as a nation do we need this certificate? And what does it imply? My google search found nothing for Men's Studies.

Can anyone enlighten me?
I recently read a bio of someone who got a certificate in Women's Studies.

What the crackle is this? I googled it and can only find gibberish.

Why, as a nation do we need this certificate? And what does it imply? My google search found nothing for Men's Studies.

Can anyone enlighten me?
Yes....men are very, very simple creatures and their nature is easy to understand. Women, on the other hand, are more complicated than Chinese arithmetic and represent a vast undecipherable mystery that require enormous amounts of study to understand.

Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary field of academic study that examines gender as a social & cultural construct, the social status and contributions of women, and the relationships between power & gender.[1]

Popular methodologies within the field of women's studies include standpoint theory, intersectionality, multiculturalism, transnational feminism, autoethnography, and reading practices associated with critical theory, post-structuralism, and queer theory. The field researches and critiques societal norms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other social inequalities. It is closely related to the broader field of gender studies.
I know many men enjoy very much pretending females are meaningless useless beings.

they wack their puds a lot
too many tiny rancid pants worm owners think the females of the species are not deserving of respect in any manner.

those pants worm pilots never learned how to properly giude their tiny ships in any way near like a real man does who knows true sucess
If one had an interest in history it might be interesting to focus on the impact women have had. This can be further broken down into some specific aspect of history as is often the case given history is a very broad subject.
Same applies to how scots have impacted the world. Or dogs or bacteria

Women's Studies is an interdisciplinary field of academic study that examines gender as a social & cultural construct, the social status and contributions of women, and the relationships between power & gender.[1]

Popular methodologies within the field of women's studies include standpoint theory, intersectionality, multiculturalism, transnational feminism, autoethnography, and reading practices associated with critical theory, post-structuralism, and queer theory. The field researches and critiques societal norms of gender, race, class, sexuality, and other social inequalities. It is closely related to the broader field of gender studies.
You'd be screwed without good old Wiki!! Women's studies is a pathetic attempt to turn feminist codswallop into an academic discipline replete with its own bullshit jargon. Haven't you got a safe area you can go to issue a trigger warning?
You'd be screwed without good old Wiki!! Women's studies is a pathetic attempt to turn feminist codswallop into an academic discipline replete with its own bullshit jargon. Haven't you got a safe area you can go to issue a trigger warning?

And some people study Latin. Kind of useless either way but if that's your interest then the schools will be happy to take your money.
Education need not have a purpise.
I like history but more recently as I've been discovering ancestors who are part of it.
And I like hockey too.
Whatever floats your boat.
yes its what you stupid fucks who hate your mother, sister , daughter, grandma and grand daughter do.

yes there are evil fucking men in this world who hate all women and think they are meaningless to this world.

its the people who rape and kill women
yes its what you stupid fucks who hate your mother, sister , daughter, grandma and grand daughter do.

yes there are evil fucking men in this world who hate all women and think they are meaningless to this world.

its the people who rape and kill women

People like you marginalize women. Do your kind a favor and STFU. I feel bad for Rana and the others who are misguided but nice.
yeah women have no idea what women are all about

only you feckless assholes who hate women know anything about women huh.

you hate black people to an trash anything they do too.

your the worthless one
yeah women have no idea what women are all about

only you feckless assholes who hate women know anything about women huh.

you hate black people to an trash anything they do too.

your the worthless one

You are a child in perpetual meltdown.
There is more to being a woman than bleeding.
are more complicated than Chinese arithmetic
