Women's Studies

And some people study Latin. Kind of useless either way but if that's your interest then the schools will be happy to take your money.
Education need not have a purpise.
I like history but more recently as I've been discovering ancestors who are part of it.
And I like hockey too.
Whatever floats your boat.

Latin is useless? If there were people who didn't study Latin then a wealth of history would be lost to us. What a silly statement.
Latin is useless? If there were people who didn't study Latin then a wealth of history would be lost to us. What a silly statement.

So it's been translated else we wouldn't know it was useful. Nobody is writing in Latin anymore and computers can translate. So it is useless but as I said, if one finds it interesting then study Latin.
Sealing wax and buggy whips are still effective at what they were made for but the need is rare if existant.
So it's been translated else we wouldn't know it was useful. Nobody is writing in Latin anymore and computers can translate. So it is useless but as I said, if one finds it interesting then study Latin.
Sealing wax and buggy whips are still effective at what they were made for but the need is rare if existant.


There are new discoveries being made all the time, if someone doesn't study the ancient languages then that knowledge is lost to us. Latin is still used and is useful, medical terms, biology, etc. It hasn't gone the way of the other things you mentioned.

It is kind of scary you don't know this about Latin.
Do I read every post on every thread ? No. So yes it's possible others are as consistant. But I've not seen anyone that is. Not even close.

You don't have to read every post on every thread, just read any one of Truth Detectors or Chopped Liver, unless they have changed since I put them on ignore.
I recently read a bio of someone who got a certificate in Women's Studies.

What the crackle is this? I googled it and can only find gibberish.

Why, as a nation do we need this certificate? And what does it imply? My google search found nothing for Men's Studies.

Can anyone enlighten me?

Women Studies are very much like black Studies, Diversity Studies and quite a few other like "studies".

The powers that be of academia should just consolidate all of them and call the course "Victim Studies" because that's all they are.
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Women Studies are very much like black Studies, Diversity Studies and quite a few other like "studies".

The powers that be of academia should just consolidate all of them and call the course "Victim Studies" because that all they are.

They are just meeting a need. If nobody signs up you can bet it goes away.
Women Studies are very much like black Studies, Diversity Studies and quite a few other like "studies".

The powers that be of academia should just consolidate all of them and call the course "Victim Studies" because that all they are.
Ahh spoken truly like a person who doesn't understand a liberal arts education. That someone may actually have an interest in expanding their understanding and knowledge of culture is beyond your comprehension or is it that you feel left out that academia doesn't have a sanctioned "Bubba Studies" program?
I recently read a bio of someone who got a certificate in Women's Studies.

What the crackle is this? I googled it and can only find gibberish.

Why, as a nation do we need this certificate? And what does it imply? My google search found nothing for Men's Studies.

Can anyone enlighten me?

It might be the difficulty you have with the English language, wink, wink

The course descriptions weren't gibberish to me.



I would be happy to interpret these descriptions if you need help.

Men's Study is under Male Studies sometimes and there are sites. Maybe it is the key words you use to Google your subject?


Truth Destroyer And ChoppedChickenshit.

Evince has a reference to developmental disabilities homosexuality or other swearing and random use of "lies" as the extent of her response. Those two and any number of others will gladly return pleasantries but she is unique in her sillyness.
I usually ignore her inane rants as its so painfully stupid but on occasion I'll point out her uselessness for a bit then tire of it. Feeding the trolls is fun but not for long.
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