Wooing the Animal-Lovers Vote: Romney straps dog to roof of car, for 12-hour drive

Probably not, it probably was being strapped to the roof of a car not knowing what the hell was going on.
He may have been sick to begin with... Why else strap him there rather than keep him in the kennel inside the car in the back with the kid who first discovered the offensive liquid...
He may have been sick to begin with... Why else strap him there rather than keep him in the kennel inside the car in the back with the kid who first discovered the offensive liquid...
Could it be that the dog and cage were to big to put inside?/
That is also a possibility.

It's not like I don't feel for the dog, but they travel as luggage on planes for gawds' sakes.

Not any more in Canada, apparently!

Doniston had a good point when he said we don't have a lot of details.

I may have been less than clear in my post above. Whatever the reason it was thoughtless at the very least and in light of what we now know outright cruel to strap a dog to the top of a car for such a long trip. I don't think anyone actually disputes that.

My point was that there is a plethora of empirical scientific evidence that when an animal undergoes a situation in which things are done to it but it has no control over what happens (i.e., uncontrollable stress), there are adverse physiological consequences. Even activities that would not be stressful if "chosen" or if behavioral mitigation is possible, are stressful when control or perceived control is absent. Diarrhea is one of the classic behavioral/physiological indicators of stress.

Whatever the reason for strapping the dog to the roof (and if he was sick that would have made it even worse, don't you agree?) the condition was extremely stressful for the animal. This was inhumane treatment. Today people go to jail for such things. (Except in Texas, I guess).
Unless it's unavoidable (like airline pet crates) I would never subject my dog to anything that I myself wouldn't be willing to endure.

I personally wouldn't ride in a box on top of a car for twelve hours. I'd have let the dog ride in the car with me. It's really not rocket science.
Not any more in Canada, apparently!

Doniston had a good point when he said we don't have a lot of details.

I may have been less than clear in my post above. Whatever the reason it was thoughtless at the very least and in light of what we now know outright cruel to strap a dog to the top of a car for such a long trip. I don't think anyone actually disputes that.

My point was that there is a plethora of empirical scientific evidence that when an animal undergoes a situation in which things are done to it but it has no control over what happens (i.e., uncontrollable stress), there are adverse physiological consequences. Even activities that would not be stressful if "chosen" or if behavioral mitigation is possible, are stressful when control or perceived control is absent. Diarrhea is one of the classic behavioral/physiological indicators of stress.

Whatever the reason for strapping the dog to the roof (and if he was sick that would have made it even worse, don't you agree?) the condition was extremely stressful for the animal. This was inhumane treatment. Today people go to jail for such things. (Except in Texas, I guess).
If you beleive I had a point, why do you continue to jump to conclusions. the only thing I see possible wrong Regarding the information that we have, is that for some UNKNOWN reason, he was reguired to poop on top of the car. Maybe it was stress, but you haven't shown that. It would be perfectly reasonable to strap a CARRIER (not the dog, but a carrier) to the top of a car. so long as the dog was not in danger or overtly stressed.
Maybe it was stress, but you haven't shown that. It would be perfectly reasonable to strap a CARRIER (not the dog, but a carrier) to the top of a car. so long as the dog was not in danger or overtly stressed.

OK, let me repeat. You haven't been here for very long so it probably hasn't come up. I'm not offering evidence today, in this particular case, but I make my living as a scientist -- I do brain research for a living and hang out here from time to time because I like the forum and most of the people. Including you.

Now back to the issue at hand. There is plenty of empirical, scientific evidence that the conditions as described create a condition of uncontrollable stress for the animal. His physiological response can reasonably be interpreted as evidence of that. Not the fact that he had to excrete but the nature of the excrement. Please, I don't want to go into further detail on that, but it has been well documented in the scientific literature as evidence of severe stress. To be strapped to the top of a moving car (carrier notwithstanding) for 12 hours would be extremely stressful. I'll bet if someone had taken the dog's cort levels at the end of that trip they'd have gone off the charts! It would be interesting to know how he behaved after that ride and if they returned home in the same manner.

It isn't even recommended to crate dogs for more than a couple of hours during the day in their own homes, never mind on top of a car! Today, they most likely would put him in a kennel for the duration of their vacation and collect him when they returned.
OK, let me repeat. You haven't been here for very long so it probably hasn't come up. I'm not offering evidence today, in this particular case, but I make my living as a scientist -- I do brain research for a living and hang out here from time to time because I like the forum and most of the people. Including you.

Now back to the issue at hand. There is plenty of empirical, scientific evidence that the conditions as described create a condition of uncontrollable stress for the animal. His physiological response can reasonably be interpreted as evidence of that. Not the fact that he had to excrete but the nature of the excrement. Please, I don't want to go into further detail on that, but it has been well documented in the scientific literature as evidence of severe stress. To be strapped to the top of a moving car (carrier notwithstanding) for 12 hours would be extremely stressful. I'll bet if someone had taken the dog's cort levels at the end of that trip they'd have gone off the charts! It would be interesting to know how he behaved after that ride and if they returned home in the same manner.

It isn't even recommended to crate dogs for more than a couple of hours during the day in their own homes, never mind on top of a car! Today, they most likely would put him in a kennel for the duration of their vacation and collect him when they returned.
I'm sorry. but your self-styled credentials don'tstrike a reasonable cord with me. I have been having pets all of my lihe, and I have a hunch that I know as much about them as you do.

and much of what you are saying appears to be strictly out of a "psycho"-logical thesis that is intended to impress the gullible. I must assume that you are a Ph D I would be more apt to rely on a vet.

That is also a possibility.

It's not like I don't feel for the dog, but they travel as luggage on planes for gawds' sakes.

and by the way do all of you 'animal activist' suggest that I am in violation when I tow the horses in a stock trailor behind the old red neck pu...they do catch a little wind from time to time...this thread is a disastor waiting to happen...some in here act all so innocent when in fact they probably do way worse things in real life...end of story!
Closing comment!

Anyone in here ever watch the 'Dog Whisperer' some in here need to be trained about how dogs should be handled...spoiling a dog so 'they' become the pack leader is just plain wrong!